Chapter 21

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I was sitting next to Johanna as she rubbed my shoulders and occasionally kissed my cheek. "Jordan, I don't think she meant it. She was mad and said anything to get under your skin." Johanna said, attempting to defend Domonique.

Domonique did have a bad temper and would literally say anything when she gets mad but that didn't excuse what she said. I relaxed some as she started to trail kisses from my jawline, down to my neck. "You know what you need?" She questions seductively and my eyebrows pushed up thinking she was about to strip from her clothes so we could fuck, but she had other plans.

"You need a good massage. Your shoulders are tense as hell. Take your shirt off and lay on your stomach." She demands and I reached back to pull my shirt off before pulling my phone from my joggers and laying on my stomach. I noticed Domonique had texted me, asking if we could talk and I almost replied until I decided not to. I needed time away from her because I didn't know how I would react and I knew I was bound to hit her again.

I can't keep shooting her because she might really die, and ion want that to happen yet but she just be making me so damn mad these days. I liked how shit was between us when we were content with fucking on the low but she just had to get all clingy and possessive and want to be more than what we were.

I broke from my thoughts when I felt Johanna straddle my back and start to rub my shoulders. I locked my phone and put it down before I closed my eyes, finally relaxing some.

"So, are you going to talk to her?" Johanna asked me and I shrugged. "Eventually I will." I said and I heard her open her mouth but she didn't say anything. "What?" I ask her as her hands moved down to the center of my back. "Nothing." She mumbled as she continued to massage my back.

I turned around with her still on top of me so she was now straddling my waist. "I just think you should talk to her, that's all." She said while staring in my eyes and I pushed my eyebrows up once again. "Why? If you can give me one good reason I'll leave right now." I said, pulling myself up on the bed.

"Well, you love her, and she loves you but you tend to be a asshole when you're high and she can't stand you being high that's why she leaves all the time. And you clearly have abandonment issues. Y'all both got problems, but y'all perfect for each other." She explained while looking down at her nails.

"And you gathered all that from what I've told you over the past weeks?" I asked, in shock because she was pretty accurate on everything. She nodded her head, "Basically."

"So will you talk to her?" She asked and I shook my head. "Nah. You ain't give me a reason, you only explained our problems." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Jordan take your ass over there and talk to her. If you love her like you say you do then you would listen to what she has to say." She snapped at me and I smirked, liking her tone.

"Okay mami, goddamn." I mumble before leaning in and kissing her lips. "Stop doing that." She says, climbing off of me and leaving from the room.

I sighed as I sat up and rubbed my temples before I put my shirt back on and slipped my Red Bottom shoes back on also. I grabbed my car keys and let Johanna know that I was leaving.



I felt like I was losing all my sanity and my anger had been through the roof for no reason lately. I been having the worst mood swings and crying over the dumbest shit. Ion know what's going on with me.

I was sitting in the living room staring at the blank TV while I contemplated on popping up on Jordan and killing whatever bitch she was with.

The mansion was silent and I knew if Assyria were here right now it wouldn't be this way. I leaned forward and poured myself a glass of wine before smiling just because. Then, I began laughing until I started to cry for no fucking reason.

I heard the door slowly open then it closed and I quickly wiped my tears away. I could hear footsteps approaching then a loud thud followed by a few curse words and groans from Jordan. "Fuck" she mumbled as she felt along the wall for the light switch. She still hadn't noticed I was sitting right in front of her and when she flicked the light switch on she let out a high pitched scream causing me start dying laughing.
"Why the fuck you sitting in the dark?" Jordan questioned, mugging me and I shrugged my shoulders before motioning for her to sit down. "You wanted to talk. So let's talk." Jordan says and I folded my leg over the other.

"First of all, I didn't mean what I said. I know I shouldn't of said it but I was so damn mad." I admitted and she nodded understandingly. "I forgive you." She said.

"Before I apologize, I just want to tell you not to ever put your hands on me again because you know I'll hit you back." She said in a stern voice so I'd know she was serious. "I'm trying to work on my anger. You should work on yours too." I told her.

"You gotta stop doing stupid shit. You know I'm bound to shoot you." Jordan explained, seeming irritated. "Will you go and get help?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Nah. I'm not doing that cause it's not necessary. Just stop pissing me off and we'll be okay." She said, giving an innocent smile. "No baby. There's something really wrong with you and I'm tired of watching you fall apart. You do realize you've been acting different since your fathers birthday right?" I ask and she nodded her head.

"You know that's a hard time for me and you know the circumstances of how he died and what I said to him before he died. I hate myself for talking to him like that and I hate you for not being there for me, but at the same time I love you. Does that make sense?" She asks and I slowly nodded my head, deciding to be open about everything right here and now.

"I cheated on you because I couldn't stand watching you get high off those pills. Just like your father was using drugs, my mother was too and I couldn't deal with that, Jordan. I'm not saying what I did was right because it was really wrong and I know I promised I was nothing like your ex but somehow I did the same thing she did." I said as tears escaped from my eyes.

"Baby don't cry. I forgive you. I just wanna move past this already." She says, pulling me into her and burying her face in the crook of my neck. "Can I have you to myself?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"I'm all yours, baby." I said and I felt her smile before she leaned up and kissed my lips. "Did you go and see your son?" I asked her and she nodded her head, growing excited. "He has the prettiest lil eyes I've ever seen. You gotta see them." She explained while smiling and I smiled too because she was happy and I haven't seen her like this in a while.

She's always high and depressed so this moment was everything to me. "Did you hear me?" Jordan questioned and I nodded my head, causing her to smack her lips at my lie. "I want you to talk to Nala and squash whatever beef y'all have." She explained.

"We don't have any beef. I just didn't like how she used to look at you." I said and Jordan chuckled. "Relax Dom. Just talk to her for me." She said and I agreed because she was right. It was time we put the past behind us.

Jordan leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped her because I felt like I had to throw up. I got up from the couch and rushed to the bathroom before I threw up all over Jordan and the floor.

I could feel Jordan staring at me while I emptied the contents from my stomach into the toilet. "Don't look." I mumbled feeling myself start to get nauseous. I flushed the toilet and Jordan lifted me off my feet before I could protest and I didn't even have the energy to argue with her so I allowed her to take me to the bedroom.

Jordan laid me across the bed and forced me to get under the covers before she left the room, telling me not to move and that she would be back soon.

When she returned, she brought all my favorite foods and cuddled up against me, laying a couple kisses on my neck and cheek.

"You good ma? Or you need me to get you something else?" Jordan asked and I shook my head, "Just hold me." I mumbled and she wrapped her arms around me tightly.

I was hoping and praying I wasn't pregnant and I only had a stomach virus or something.

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