Chapter 2 - Lunch With Thomas

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- Catherine told (Y/N) that her cousin, Thomas Sangster, was going to watch over her while her parents leave on a business trip
- (Y/N) has a hopeless crush on Thomas

Chapter 2 - Lunch With Thomas

When (Y/N) and Catherine's training for swimming for the day was over, (Y/N) was dressed up and was waiting for Catherine. She felt as if she was about to throw up with all the butterflies that were in her stomach.

"(Y/N)," Catherine came with her damp blonde hair holding her phone. "Thomas said that he'll take the both of us to lunch since he knows that we'll be starving right now," she told her.

(Y/N) felt more butterflies in her stomach. She would've squealed again but she's already used up all her energy. She just nodded and they waited outside for Thomas.

(Y/N) was so tired and she just stared into space. She didn't realize that Catherine was already shaking her. She yawned and stretched.

"What?" She asked looking at Catherine sleepily.

Catherine looked at her with a huge smile on her face and she looked up. (Y/N) noticed that there was something blocking the sun. She immediately looked up and was shocked by what she saw.

OMG it's HIM!

She looked at Thomas, trying not to get her jaw to drop. To her he seemed too perfect and flawless. She saw his dirty blond hair and his chocolate eyes. She kept her mouth shut since she doesn't trust it enough to say the right words or any words at all.

"Hi, I'm Thomas," he took his hand out for her to shake.

(Y/N) put on her best smile and shook his hand. When she did, she felt that everything is perfect and that she can die happy.

"(Y/N)," she said quickly. Too quickly. She was glad that he got to understand it since she said it so fast.

"So, where do you girls want to eat lunch?" He asked with his English accent clearly heard that made (Y/N) want to melt.

(Y/N) bit her lip again and used her almost dry, hair to cover her blushing face. She used one of her hands to cup her chin to pretend that she was thinking. She was fangirling so hard that saying what she was thinking is embarrassing for lol of us.

"(Y/N) where do you want to go?" Catherine asked her.

(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders since she doesn't know where she wants to eat. She'd be fine anywhere as long he was there.

"Ooo what about that pizza place near here?" Catherine suggested which they all agreed to go to.

While the car was moving, (Y/N) felt really drowsy. She didn't stop her eyes from closing but instead she welcomed them with open arms. Then after a few minutes, she got to sleep.

While she was sleeping, Catherine smiled and stroked her hair.

"Cat?" Thomas called out but not that loud so that he won't wake (Y/N) up.

"Yeah?" Catherine asked looking out the window.

"Don't you want to go to sleep like (Y/N)?"

"Not really," she shook her head. "I'm not that tired."

"Really?" He smirked.

"I am not tired," she argued.

"You sure you weren't slacking off earlier?" He teased her.

Catherine rose from her seat and playfully smacked Thomas' arm. "No. I wasn't! It's just that she was up until like ten in the night because she has her ballet competition next month."

Thomas chuckled with his cousin's outburst.

"We're here!" Catherine said.

Catherine saw the pizza place and she immediately jumped off the car so that they could have a place to eat. Leaving Thomas to wake up (Y/N).

Thomas took his time getting off the car and he sat beside (Y/N) who was still sleeping. He didn't really want to wake her up but he knew that he has to.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" He shook her a little but she didn't budge.

He shook her again but it was harder this time. He saw her eyes flutter and look at him.

"Where are we?" She asked yawning.

"We're already at the pizza place that Kat was talking about."

Since (Y/N) just woke up, she still didn't feel that she's awake. She thought that the whole thing was a dream. So she giggled.

"Aww you call her Kat?" She smiled. "I call her Kit Kat but only sometimes. She hates it when I call her that," she said then she giggled again. Thomas laughed at her silliness and helped her down the car. "I don't know why but I would love to be named after a sweet."

"Come on. She's waiting for us in there," he said.

(Y/N) took his hand and the both of them went inside and sat beside Catherine.

After a few minutes, (Y/N) already knew that it wasn't a dream and she felt embarrassed by the way she acted earlier.

Catherine has already ordered for her and (Y/N) but not for Thomas get cause she doesn't know what he wants. The three of them were sitting at the booth. So (Y/N) sat beside Catherine while Thomas' seat was facing the both of them.

While they were waiting for their order, Catherine had to go to the bathroom, leaving both Thomas and (Y/N) alone.

(Y/N) was trying to read The Maze Runner but she couldn't really focus with Thomas in front of her. He's also staring at her and (Y/N) felt a little uncomfortable. She wanted to talk to him but she has no idea what they should talk about.

"So The Maze Runner," he started. (Y/N) just nodded, still feeling a little surreal. "Is it a good book?" He asked.

"Yes it really is," she felt a bit comfortable with the topic. "I'm also so excited for the movie," she said.

"Oh speaking of the movie, I just auditioned for it just a few weeks ago," he said.

(Y/N)'s eyes almost flew out of her face when she heard that. "Which role did you audition for?"

"I auditioned for Gally," he informed her.

"I think you're a lot better for Newt," she told him. "Also you can keep your British accent if you do."

"We'll see what will be the results next week," Thomas said.

Catherine then came back with a huge smile on her face and then they waited for the food.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now