Chapter 23 - Asleep Or Dead

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- (G/N) was lost in the Maze
- Minho went out to find her and he found her

Chapter 23 - Asleep Or Dead

Newt felt his heart swell when he saw Minho coming back and was carrying (G/N)'s body. He was glad for a second that she was back but he saw that Minho was covered in blood and so was (G/N). Her eyes were closed and her body was limp.

Minho ran past Newt and went straight for the Med-Jack's Hut. Newt tried to catch up to Minho, ignoring that pain on his leg. He was right behind Minho and tried to see (G/N) from behind him. From this view, he saw that (G/N)'s head was coated with blood. So the blood he saw on Minho's chest wasn't his but (G/N)'s, this just made Newt more nervous.

They made it to the Med-Jack's Hut where Minho laid down (G/N) on the cot. Newt reached out for (G/N)'s wrist to check if she had a pulse. There was one, but it was faint.

Clint came in with cloth and bandages while Jeff was bringing a bowl of water. The two of them shooed Newt and Minho away from (G/N).

"Maybe we can help," Newt suggested.

"You can stay there until we do but just don't interfere," Clint said.

Newt and Minho watched as Clint and Jeff washed away the blood from (G/N)'s head, hair, and skin. Once in a while, Jeff would check (G/N)'s breathing and her pulse to see if she's still alive. Thankfully, she still is but they were weak.

"Isn't there something you can do to help her get better?" Newt asked.

"Listen, we're not professionals," Jeff said. "We just do what we can. (G/N) is the only one who can save her-"

"Jeff!" Clint cut him off. "Get the serum!"

The four boy's eyes landed on (G/N)'s arm where dark veins were showing on her skin. They didn't notice it earlier because of the blood that was on her skin. Jeff scurried to get the serum.

Minho's eyes widened at the sight and Newt swore under his breath and fell on his knees. He couldn't believe it, (G/N) was stung. Newt knew of two people who got stung and he didn't come back sane. He kept on screaming until one day, he bolted inside the Maze and never came back.

Chills ran through Newt's spine as he thought of (G/N) like that. Losing all sanity. Losing all that's calm and sweet about her personality. Losing herself. He didn't want that to happen to her. He didn't want to lose her.

Newt felt himself spiraling down in a dark abyss. The entire day was just full of bad news. He didn't know if he could take any of it anymore. His body was going numb. He couldn't move from his position on the floor.

He was shutting down. He didn't know what to do. He's never felt this helpless before.

The other person who got stung didn't make it. The serum was injected in his system but after a few hours, he died.

The thought of (G/N) losing her mind or dying was painful either way.

Newt was so consumed in his thoughts that he didn't notice that Minho was crouching in front of him. He was saying something but he couldn't hear. "...(G/N) needs you."

"What?" He said in a hoarse voice.

"Be strong for (G/N) alright. She'll get through this."

"What if she doesn't?"

"What if she does? She's the first girl. Who knows she might be the first person we know to survive from a Griever sting." Newt tried to let Minho's words give him strength. "One things for sure, (G/N) doesn't need you to break down now. She needs you to be strong."

"(G/N) needs- needs me to be strong."

"Yeah. You can do that. Right?"

Newt blinked. He regained feeling on his body again and was acute to his surroundings. "Yes I can." He stood up and looked at (G/N).

Jeff was already able to inject the serum in her. Everyone was silent, waiting for something to happen. The last person who was stung went beserk a few seconds after the serum was injected. Then they died after a few hours.

They waited for the same reaction from (G/N) but there wasn't any. She was just peacefully sleeping. Newt went for her wrist once again to feel her heartbeat. Relief washed through him when he felt the steady and strong beat.

"I want to watch over her," Newt said. The three boys were surprised but they didn't contradict Newt's request.

"Right," Clint said. "I'll stay here with you Newt. I need to keep an eye on her to see if she'll have certain...reactions to the serum."

"There's also another problem we have," Jeff piped up.

"What is it?" Clint asked.

"We have to change her clothes. They're covered with blood."

At that moment, the four boys' faces were red as a tomato.

"Well I gotta go," Minho said. "I have to change since I also have blood on my shirt."

"Weird," Jeff said, "I thought he'd want the job."

"Probably scared that (G/N) will kick him when she finds out," Clint laughed. "So not it!"

"Not it!"

This left Newt to be the one who'll change (G/N)'s clothes.


That night, Newt stayed in the Med-Jack's hut with (G/N). Both he and (G/N) were sleeping on the cot. Newt pulled (G/N)'s body close to him and he wrapped his arm and the blanket around her in a protective position. He felt the steady breathes of (G/N) on his chest like he used to when she was having nightmares. Just like before, they gave him comfort. It meant that she was alive.

Sometimes that night, (G/N) would toss and turn. She'd also mumble a few things in her sleep. Newt thought that she was awake but she wasn't. During the times she'd toss and turn, Newt would try to calm her down.

Newt didn't sleep that night. He didn't want to and he couldn't. He wanted to see if (G/N) was going to wake up in the middle of the night. He didn't want to be asleep when she does.

Once again, (G/N) was mumbling something in her sleep. Newt just held her tight while she did.

Then finally, she said something coherent. "Newt. I- I have you?"

Newt checked to see if she was awake but she was still asleep. A smile formed on his face. She wasn't going mad. She wasn't changing. She was still (G/N).

"You have me," he promised.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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