Chapter 10 - Manage Me, I'm A Mess

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- (G/N) came into the Glade
- She fixed a boy's-named Newt-leg
- She was given the mission to find four books
- WICKED has given her a clue for her mission but she doesn't understand what it meant.

Chapter 10 - Manage Me, I'm A Mess

When (G/N) woke up, she saw the sun peeking out through the wooden ceiling and the wooden walls. She remembered what happened the other day. She came into a strange place called the Glade which was mostly filled with boys. She was told that the Glade was surrounded by a Maze that people called the Runners were trying to find a way to get out of.

Then she remembered a boy that she met yesterday. Well, she met a lot so we have to be specific. She remembered the boy who's leg she fixed up yesterday.

Newt, she remembered his name. The room she's in belongs to him. She also remembered that Alby, the leader of the Glade, said that he was his Second-In-Command. She began to wonder if Newt was a Runner because he was out in the Maze. Then if he was injured in the Maze, she wondered what was out there?

She lost her train of thought when someone pounded on the door. "Who is it?" She sat on the side of the bed.

"It's Gally greenie." Gally. She remembered who Gally was. "Get ready and meet me at the kitchen for breakfast. Today is the day you'll start out the jobs."


As she walked towards the kitchen, she felt a little nervous. Of course being in a secluded place surrounded by boys and to top it all off was that they're trapped in a Maze was enough to make anyone nervous. Gally walked up to her and she felt a little comfortable. At least she knew someone here.

He handed her a tray which served as her breakfast. Then he led her to a table with Alby, Minho, and a boy she didn't recognize. Seeing Alby made (G/N) more nervous since she remembered how he acted yesterday. Sure Minho told her not to be but she was intimidated by him.

"Hey there greenie," Minho smiled and waved at (G/N).

"Hi," she said as she sat on the table. Sending a wary look at Alby that he didn't see since he was staring at his food.

"This is Ben," Minho motioned to the boy beside him. "He's a Runner like me."

"I'm (G/N)," she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

Alby then raised his head and stared at (G/N). An awkward silence overcame the table. (G/N) avoided Alby's gaze by eating her breakfast. She could sense that Alby wasn't the only one staring at her. She was well aware she's the first girl and the boys are confused but she still didn't like all the staring. It's like she was being judged.

"There was a reason why I called you here," Alby finally said.

She bit back a response that says that Gally was the one who called her.

"What is it?"

"It's the jobs you have to take. Newt usually does all the introducing but since he's not here," he paused for a moment, "and since you're the first girl, I'll try to tell you what you need to know."

So then Alby told her about the jobs that were in the Glade. Then he also mentioned that the Box would bring them supplies that they need every week. That they just need to request.

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