Chapter 20 - We'll Let The Fires Just Bathe Us

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- The presence of the books could possibly destroy the realm of The Maze Runner which is why they need to be destroyed
- Only (G/N) can destroy them
- The only way for her to find them is for her to remember where she hid them
- In order for that to happen, she needs to get stung

Chapter 20 - We'll Let The Fires Just Bathe Us

W.I.C.K.E.D. Headquarters

Ava struggled not to tell at her crew. How could they not get a girl stung in one week? Don't they care that their world might cease to exist? Or have they lost all hope that they want it all to end?

"Chancellor Paige?" A female voice called out to her. "Is something wrong?"

Ava turned her head to see two of her Elite Candidates staring at her. Thomas and Teresa. They were the ones who created a Griever in the first place.

"Thomas. Teresa. Come here."

The two left their seats and went to her. They were in the control room.

"How is it that I can't get (G/N) to get stung?"

"Well she's really quick and smart," Teresa started, "you've underestimated her."

"We need to ambush her," Thomas continued. "Send her all the Grievers."

Ava smiled. "I knew I could count on you two."


(G/N) hated and loved being in the Maze. She loved it because she felt like her senses were dialed to an eleven but she also hated it for the same reason.

Ever since she was constantly attacked by Grievers, she acted like a Runner both in and out of the Maze. She was restless and anxious. She couldn't relax in the Glade and needed to have Newt in order for her to do so.

But when she's out in the Maze, it's a good reason to be anxious and restless. She needs to be alert and quick on her feet. She needs to be on her toes all the time. Ready to run at any sign of danger.

So far, she's been running all morning and no sign of a Griever. Still, she didn't relax. She wasn't safe as long as she was out there. She was safe with Newt.

His words played in her head like a lullaby. Like a caress.

I'm here. You have me. You're safe with me.

But she wasn't with him now. She couldn't feel his warm hand grounding her. The absence of his touch made her miss him.

When she wasn't thinking of Grievers, she'd think of Newt. How she'd feel giddy when he's around. How she'd feel so safe in his arms.

She's been denying it for months. The way she felt for him. She tried to be ignorant to see if she'd believe the lies she tells herself. But the way Newt acted and comforted her the past week. She knew she couldnt deny it any longer.

Was it a crush?

She feels as if it was more than a crush. But she didn't want to call it love. It seems to early to do so.

It sent a tingle in her spine and a funny feeling in her stomach. That the thought of Newt had calmed her right now in the Maze. Don't get her wrong, she was still alert but she wasn't paranoid any longer. She felt the same way she used to feel when she first ran in the Maze.

She thought of all the jealousy that she didn't enjoy. She never remembered getting jealous over a boy before. Well, who knows, maybe she has in her life before all this.

The things she felt for Newt was much more than what she felt for any other crush she had in the Glade. It was new and terrifying. She never thought that she'd ever feel something this intense before. She tried to deny it and reject it because those emotions scared her.

(G/N) stopped when she thought she heard something. She felt a tingle in her spine as she heard the familiar clicking of metal on the ground. She ran once again, trying to avoid the sound of the footsteps of the Griever.

She took a turn then another. She kept on running. It was like the way she tried to run from her feelings but they caught up to her.

She took another turn and there it was. The stuff of nightmares. She tried to run the other way but there was another one. There was also another one behind each Griever.

She heard a shriek. She looked up and saw that there were Grievers also on the Maze walls, about to jump down on her.

No matter how she tried to avoid it, they always caught up to her. Now she's trapped and she can't get out.


Newt was distracted. He couldn't help but think about (G/N). He tried to stop himself from looking out into the Maze and go back to planting.

When he woke up, he had a bad feeling about today. Since he used to be a Runner, he had to rely on instinct and his senses. When he felt danger at a s certain path, he'd avoid it.

Letting (G/N) go to the Maze is like that path. He didn't know why but he felt as if something bad will happen. That thought filled him with dread and all Newt wanted was that she'll come back. That she'll come back into the Glade. But everytime he turns around and checks, she was still gone.

The Gladers noticed how worried he was. The only people to console him about it was Alby and Gally.

Alby stopped by to see how Newt was doing then left. But then Gally came and the both of them comforted each other. They told each other how tough (G/N) is and that she'll be fine.

Newt tried to convince himself the entire day that she'll be fine.

But then night was coming and the other Runners were coming back, except for (G/N).







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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