Extra Chapter: Newt Deleted Scene

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A/N: While I was struggling with how to enter romance between Newt and (Y/N), I wrote this scene. Sadly, it didn't make the cut but I didn't want to delete it. So here it is for your reading pleasure.

- (G/N) was stung and she's still unconscious.
- Newt finds out that he has a crush on her and Minho is there to help.

"You alright?" Minho asked.

"Yeah. I was just..." Newt looked at (G/N) once again.

"You're worrying about her?"

"No. I mean yes but...no." Newt covered his face with his hands.

Minho took a chair and sat right beside Newt. "Explain."

"I've been thinking earlier about (G/N). I don't know if you know but I'm protective of her-"

"Oh I know that," Minho cut in. Newt gave him a look. "Sorry, you were saying?"

"I want to take care of her. I want her to be safe. I want her to be by my side."

"Is there something wrong with wanting that?"

"Yes! It's because wanting that means that I- I have-" Newt couldn't bring himself to say it. "I have a c-"


"A crush! Bloody hell Minho do I look like I have constipation?"


"No, don't answer that. Minho I'm going mad."

"It's normal for a shank to go crazy especially you. You've been here really long. Everyone will understand."

"Minho," he groaned. "I'd really appreciate if we'd be serious for a minute."

"Alright." Minho had a playful smile on his face. He had the strong urge to tease Newt but the poor boy seemed to be in agony. "So you have a crush on (G/N). Nothing wrong about it. You weren't the first. What's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with this? Everything!"

"I don't follow."

"I was fine just being her friend. I liked it. I liked the fact that I'm able to comfort her. That she goes to me for help. That I'm special in her eyes. I love it. But the problem now is that I can't be like that to her."

"Stop for a second. When did you find out about your crush?"

"Just this morning. It's just that we have a good friendship. I don't want to ruin it. And she needs me now, when she wakes up. I don't want to be weird around her."

"Newt having a crush doesn't always mean romance." Newt gave him a look of disbelief. "Really! It might just mean that you look up to the person. No shame in that. (G/N) is a great person to look up to."

"But...there's one another thing." Newt breathed in. "What if she finds out about me? About what I did?"

The two shared a look. Neither one needed to elaborate what it was.

"When did you start thinking about this? When you realized you had a crush on her?"

"No no. I've been scared to tell her from the start. What if she finds out and she thinks that I'm not strong? I wasn't the person she thought. What if she thinks that I'm not good enough?"

"Hey hey," Minho grabbed Newt's shoulders, "stop that. Put some faith in (G/N). She's not that kind of person is she?"

Newt remembered the times when he had his nightmares. The nights when (G/N) stayed and held him tight. The nights she soothed him. "No," he said. "She isn't."

"Are you going to tell her?" Minho asked. "That you have a crush on her?"

"No! Bloody hell no."

"She might feel the same way."

Hearing that sent butterflies in Newt's stomach and a goofy smile he tried to hide. "Better not."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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