Chapter 17 - Always Found My Greatest Moments In The Sound of Your Hellos

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- (G/N) is training to be a Runner
- Because of the disappearance of George in the Maze, (G/N) was then assigned to go into the Maze
- The small spat between Newt and Minho has been resolved

Chapter 17 - Always Found My Greatest Moments In the Sound of Your Hellos

(G/N) has been a Runner for two months now. She thought that she would've had a lead on where the books could've been by now, but still nothing has changed. She tried to ask the Creators for help but they didn't send her any more clues. She was now on her own.

She ran and memorized every nook and cranny of the sections but still no clue. She was wondering if the books were even real. Maybe the Creators were just playing a joke on her. Or maybe it was all a test.

Her mission to find the books were becoming her obsession. She'd stay cooped up all night and only have two hours of sleep because she's trying to figure out if maybe she missed something. But even if she's slaving away, she still managed to make time for her friends. She'd hang out with Minho at breakfast then with Gally at dinner.

Then there was Newt. There was another reason why she doesn't have that much sleep.

Newt's leg has healed itself the best it could. He could walk without crutches now but has a limp. He wasn't a Runner any longer and doesn't want to be. (G/N) understood since he didn't want to have another accident.

So, Newt became a Track-Hoe. He also would help around the Glade if needed since he was still the Second-In-Command. But because of (G/N) always going to the Maze everyday, since she pleaded Alby that she doesn't want to take a day off, she doesn't always have time for Newt.

Newt was asleep every morning when she'd wake and at dinner, he was with the other Gladers. The thought that she and Newt was drifting apart and will only just be aquaintances was saddening for (G/N).

For a few days, they rarely talked that was until Newt came to her hut one night and said that he wanted to hang out with her. (G/N) didn't mind his company and actually felt like a prayer was answered since he still wanted to be her friend. That's when it all started.

So every night, when dinner was over, Newt would go to (G/N)'s room. They don't always talk and (G/N) sometimes feels embarrassed that she couldn't entertain Newt. But Newt said that he just wanted her company.

So that's what they did for two months. Almost every night, Newt would go to (G/N)'s room. There were times he'd spend the night. At first, he was going to sleep on the floor like what (G/N) did before but (G/N) insisted she'd sleep on the bed with her. Her heart was pounding and she felt nervous as she said it but she tried to ignore it. She wasn't tryng to imply anything, she just didn't want Newt to be uncomfortable.

So they slept on one bed with just enough space between them so they wouldn't touch. Since (G/N) had to wake up early, she'd always leave Newt in her hut still fast asleep. She didn't think about what the Gladers would think with Newt sneaking to her hut every night then leaving her hut a couple of times. She didn't care. She was just glad that she could spend time with her friend.

As the two months passed by, (G/N) began to look forward to the night. She felt like the night was theirs. There were nights when neither one of hem could sleep. With (G/N), it was because she'd have a lot on her mind. With Newt, sometimes he suffers from nightmares.

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