Chapter 12 - The Fear Of Falling Apart

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- (G/N) made friends with named Newt
- She was given a clue by W.I.C.K.E.D. that the books she was sent to find isn't in the Glade

Chapter 12 - The Fear Of Falling Apart

Newt shut the door behind him and slowly trudged to his bed. His hands were shaking. He felt hot. A heavy feeling was on his chest. He made it on his bed and gently placed the crutches on the floor. He wanted to throw them but the thought of (G/N) stopped him from doing so.

She had it made for me.

Newt hugged himself as he thought of (G/N). More specifically what she just said.

The Gladers here say a lot of good things about you. How you're the one who always keeps the peace. How you keep the Gladers in check and always give them hope. I have to admit I admired you by what they said.

Guilt and shame washed through him.

I shouldn't be admired. If you only knew...

He stared at his bandages leg and at the crutches.

If she only knew.


After (G/N)  received the note from W.I.C.K.E.D. she left her hut to find Minho. She looked around but she couldn't find him. She walked around the Glade through the kitchens, the Homestead, Newt's Hut, and the Med-Jack's Hut. She went to the forest and saw Minho there by the East Gates which was wide open.

"Minho," she called out to him. She was waiting for a response from Minho but she got nothing but silence from him. She wondered if anything was wrong or if she disturbed anything. He seemed fine earlier, she remembered.

She sat beside him and he still didn't acknowledge her. He was staring into space. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Minho what's wrong?"

Minho jumped at her touch but quickly composed himself. "Oh (G/N)," he shot her his famous heart melting smile that he always did with her. "Nothing's wrong. What are you doing here?"

(G/N)  decided not to push him. "I was looking for you. I want to ask you something...about the Runners."

Minho gave (G/N) a knowing look but he decided to humor her. "What about?"

"How do you become one?"

"It's mine and Alby's job to look for one. To look for the ones most qualified for the job."

"What are the qualifications?" She wondered.

"You need to be able to run fast, have really good memory and you must be the one who wants the job, we don't want to force anyone into their deaths," he said and the negative thoughts that (G/N) had about being a Runner returned.

"You have to wait until the new greenie comes," Minho added, confusing her.


"I know that look greenie," he smirked. "That's the look that I had when I heard about the job of becoming a Runner. But before they let me do trials, I had to wait until the new greenie comes because Alby wanted me to get used to the Glader life."

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now