Chapter 27 - Biting More Than You Can Chew

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- (G/N) got stung leading her to remember everything
- she now understands her mission to find the books is important
- She's now awake and has to wait for nine days until she can run in the Maze again

Chapter 27 - Biting More Than You Can Chew

After Clint and Jeff said that she was already allowed to leave the Med-Jack's Hut, she went back to her own hut. Before she was going to greet the other Gladers, she wanted some time for herself. Minho and Newt walked with her going back to her hut.

During that walk, Minho told her about something she could do during her nine days wait.

"There's a hut we have hidden in the forest," he said. "You remember right Newt?"

"Um yeah." Newt acted weird again when they left the hut. Minho was outside when they pulled apart from their hug. He looked like he was laughing but neither one of them asked.

"That hut was for Runners," he continued.

"How come no one knew about it?"

"It's just that that hut was supposed to have the map of the Maze. We're going to make a 3D map but it never happened."


Minho shrugged. "We were too busy. Never happened. So, I want you to do it."

(G/N) thought about it. It was actually pretty perfect. That way, she could still run the Maze without actually running the Maze. It's was brilliant. "Alright. I accept the job. I'll start later."

Minho laughed. "No. You start tomorrow. Today, you rest."

"But I can start now."

"Still a workaholic."

He didn't understand, she thought as she walked in her hut and changed clothes. None of them understood why she had to work. Why she was slaving away.

She went to her drawer cabinet and drew out her Runner's notebook. Every Runner was given a notebook where they would write down their sections and the routes they took. It contains every information they knew on the Maze. They were really important information.

She's filled about three notebooks on the three months she's been a Runner. This means that she needs every Runner's notebook that has been used in order to create this map. It dawned on her that this will take a lot of work and probably won't be finished by nine days.

"I'll worry about that later," she told herself. Because creating this map was a way for her to go into the Maze without really going inside and getting hurt.

In another drawer, she took out a new and fresh notebook. On the first page, she wrote there, (Y/N)'s Notebook. She purposefully used her real name because that's who she is now.


Minho waited until both he and Newt were far enough from (G/N)'s hut. "Newt, I need you to do something."

"What is it?" Newt wondered.

"I need you to watch over (G/N)."

Minho was having a feeling of deja vu. He remembered asking this of (G/N) but he asked her to take care of Newt. He asked her to watch over him. Now he's asking Newt to watch over her.

"What?" Newt was surprised by the request that his voice was loud we than intended. Minho glared at him to be quiet. "What for? She can take care of herself."

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