Chapter 31 - Late Dawns and Early Sunsets (Part 1)

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- James told (G/N) that she has a choice. She can stay in the Glade or go back to the Realm of Stories
- (G/N) decided to stay in the Glade

Chapter 31 - Late Dawns and Early Sunsets (Part 1)

A celebration was going to be held tonight within the Gladers because Ben just found a new spot in the Maze.

Just this morning, (G/N) was able to talk to Ben and he told her about the new place he found yesterday. He wanted to tell her about it yesterday when he got back but she couldn't be found. When she heard about it, she was happy but then she knew that she would have to place that new part of the Maze into the Map.

"Heard about the new place in Section 4," (G/N) said accusingly to Newt in the Map Hut. She wondered why he didn't tell her about it since he spent the night in her hut last night. "And the party tonight," she added.

"Oh right," he snapped his fingers. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you about it."

"Yeah well it means more work for us."

"But you're still going tonight right?" Newt looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"I'm not sure. I'm not one for parties and I have a lot of work to do."

"But you're always working," Newt whined. (G/N) laughed. If only he knew why, she thought. "Can't you rest tonight? I mean the Map is almost done."

He's right. All they needed to do was to finish Section 12 and add the new part from Ben in Section 4, then they're done. It could actually be finished in a day or two. Depending on how hard they work.

"You're right. The Map is almost done meaning that I should finish it."

"Wait!" He said. "If we can finish this today, will you come with me to the party?"

"With you?" She pointed at him.

Newt's eyes widened. "I-I mean go to the party. I mean since the both of us will come from here, we'll go together. Is what I meant," he added the last part.

"I don't know Newt." (G/N) was about to tell him no but he looked at her with those pleading eyes that she couldn't resist. His stupid blue eyes as pale as the morning sky was boring into hers. She gave in. "Fine." Newt whooped in joy. "If we finish this today."


They shook on it.


(14 hours earlier)
Dinner time

"Minho I'm going to do it."

Minho looked at Newt with confusion. "Gonna do what?"

"I'm going to tell (G/N) how I feel."

Newt learned the hard way that night that it wasn't a good idea to jump on Minho with news like that with his mouth full of food. Only when Newt was able to wash off all that food off his face was Minho able to give him advice.

"Don't do that."

"Why not?" He felt his good mood dampen a little but he still kept a positive attitude.

"Well, do you think she likes you too?"

"I'm not doing this because I think she likes me. I just want to tell her. I want her to know."

"Yes but there are somethings that you could just keep to yourself," he said as if he was speaking to a child.

"I've been keeping it to myself for three weeks now Minho. I can't keep this a secret from her."

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now