Chapter 19 - Something's Telling Me To Leave But I Won't

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- (G/N) was in the Maze for a total of three months now. She still hasn't found the books she was told to find.

Chapter 19 - Something's Telling Me To Leave But I Won't

W.I.C.K.E.D. Headquarters

"She still can't find the books," Ava muttered to herself as she watched (G/N)'s sleeping figure. "Their presence here is ruining the world."

Basically, the world is already ruined. With the sun flares drying out the earth and the Flare taking over the world. But the presence of the books that contain the world's story, it creates a paradox.

As much as Ava wanted to know what would happen, if she so much reads a word from the books...she could disappear and never be found again.

She's already been warned by the man who wrote the books. He said that the only one who can hold them and read them without disappearing was someone who wasn't mentioned in the book. The people of W.I.C.K.E.D. maybe not have all been mentioned by name but they were still part of the story. Only (G/N) was completely taken out for reasons Ava never knew and isn't curious about.

The man, James Dashner, was one of the Authors from what's called the Realm of Stories. The Realm of Stories is where tons of Authors are born.

Authors are people who can naturally go into another world. They're given the task to write down what happens in their assigned realm. They must be facts or else they'll be forbidden to go into another realm again.

Ava sighed and turned away from the sight of (G/N). They made a mistake when they kidnapped her. They didn't know that she had the books with her. When they took her, she was unconscious. But she was able to wake up and hide the books who knows where in the Maze. The beetle bugs weren't able to follow her.

"She needs to remember."

Ava then knew what needs to be done. (G/N) needs to remember and there's only one way that could happen.

She needs to get stung.


(G/N) had a very tough week. Left and right Grievers came out of nowhere and she'd barely come back unscathed.

The first day, she was able to come out but it was the first time she's ever encountered a Griever. The shock hit her like a bus when she got back in the Glade. She was sat down on the grass and didn't move. The Gladers let her be for a few minutes until an hour has passed and she was still there.

Newt went to her. He took her hands as he helped her up only to feel that they were cold and shaking. Her knees buckled and he had to hold her tightly to him so that she won't fall again. It would normally make her blush but she couldn't think about that right now.

"What happened?" He urged.


That night, Newt held (G/N) as she slept. Or tried to do so at least. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see the Griever coming towards her.

Newt tried to tell her to not run the next day. She didn't want to but she didn't want her fear to stop her either. So she still ran and faced a Griever yet again.

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now