Chapter 30 - The Choice

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- (G/N) told Newt a small piece about her past
- Newt told her about his depression
- They're okay, for now

Chapter 30 - The Choice

Things have been going well for both (G/N) and Newt and the map. The both of them decided to put the past behind them. Then Newt asked permission from Alby if he could help (G/N) full time with the map. (G/N) was with him when he asked permission. Alby didn't know that (G/N) knew about Newt spying on her. Thinking that he had the advantage, Alby let it happen.

So for the past week, (G/N) and Newt worked on the map. She saw that having a full time helper as well as the Runners who would sometimes come was really helpful. She actually thinks that by the end of this month, it'll be finished.

The thought of finishing it brought a bittersweet feeling in her. She knew that once she finishes it, she'll be a Runner once again. Then she'll go and look for those blasted books.

But once she does...will she say goodbye?

(G/N) raised her head and saw Newt looking at the Runner's Notebook. They were now working on Section 8. He was so absorbed in his work to notice her looking at him. He didn't see the pain in (G/N)'s eyes.

The thought of leaving him broke her heart. The thought of leaving Gally, who needed her. Everyone in the Glade. She'll leave them all behind.

She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay.

She didn't have anything for her in the Realm of Stories. she did. Catherine.

But Catherine didn't need her. Well, maybe she did. But there were more people who needed her here in the Glade.

Was this her thinking of other's benefit? Or was she just selfish?

She waved away these thoughts. She should focus on her work. Not now. Don't think of it now.

"Hey Newt," she sat on the floor beside him. "How's Section 8 going?"

"I think I already have it figured out."

He showed her the pathway to Section 8. While he did, a memory played in (G/N)'s mind.


(The morning after (G/N) got kidnapped)

She remembered herself running in that section. Although the clothes she was wearing weren't Runner clothes. She also had a backpack with her.

She heard metal clanking against the stone floor. It was the Grievers. That was what she was running from.

She didn't know where she was but her instinct told her to run. So that's what she did. She ran through the white hallways until she ended up here in this sort of Maze. Then she was being chased by some sort of monster. She didn't know they were Grievers at the time.

After a while, she was getting tired. But the monsters trying to catch her were still on her tail. In order to lighten the load, she took off her backpack. It helped a lot.

She looked back and saw that the Grievers stopped following her and circled her backpack. Seeing that they weren't following her anymore, she stopped as well to catch her breath. The back of her mind was telling her to keep on running but she was curious why they stopped.

She watched as one of the Griever lifted its legs and touched her backpack. When they made contact, there was a huge explosion. The impact was so great that it blew her away and made her hit her head on the wall. The last thing she saw was a big red "8" written on the wall before she blacked out.

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now