Chapter 26 - Awake And Unfraid

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- (G/N) got stung and she recovered her memories
- James told her that she was supposed to be a love interest for Newt and the life she could've had if she didn't go to the Realm of Stories
- But that life is gone now

Chapter 26 - Awake And Unafraid

Newt couldn't understand what was happening. Every time he thought of (G/N) or even came close to her, he felt sick. What was this? Was he having an allergic reaction to her?

At first, he didn't really know that it was because of (G/N). Minho was the one who helped him realize it. The entire day when Newt was trying to go to the Med-Jack's Hut, he'd feel queasy and walk away. Minho was amused with him but he gave his thoughts to Newt that maybe it was because of (G/N).

"Right," Newt said. Minho seemed shocked that he agreed. "Maybe I'm just worrying about her. Stressed."

Minho blinked. "Well yes but...yeah that's probably it."

"Well what can I do?"

"Wanna go and see her?"

Newt gave him a look. "How can that help?"

"I don't know. I just want to see something," Minho had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

In the end, Newt agreed to go and the both of them were heading to the Med-Jack's Hut.


Minho couldn't help but be amused at what was happening. What was happening was obvious really but he just didn't understand why now. What changed?

He saw the way Newt looked at (G/N). He also saw the way (G/N) looked at Newt. They cared for each other and supported one another. They had a wonderful friendship. Something was bound to happen eventually.

Since he sort of expected this day to come, so he was alright with it. He was glad that Newt was finally coming to terms with what he felt for (G/N). But then he thought of (G/N). She just got stung and was still recovering.

As much as he wanted them to be together and Newt will have a chance to be happy, there was still the question of (G/N). Does she like him the same way or just sees him as a friend? And will she be alright when she wakes up?

The two of them reached the Med-Jack's Hut. Minho saw Newt tense a little so he patted him on the shoulder. He was ready to grab that boy if he was going to run away again.

Minho opened the door and the both of them entered the hut. Minho had his eyes on Newt and Newt was busy playing with his hands, obviously tense.

"Minho? Newt?"

Minho froze at the sound of that voice and he saw that Newt had the same reaction. Both boys turned their head and saw a sight that shocked and relieved them.

(G/N) was right there in front of them. She was awake.


(G/N) looked around her surroundings when she woke up. She was inside the Med-Jack's Hut. At first her mind was a blank until everything came back to her.

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now