Chapter 36 - Give It Up, This Was Never Meant to Be More Than a Memory For You

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- (Y/N) went to therapy
- She was diagnosed with unspecified schizophrenia
- Thomas decided to bring her to the set of The Maze Runner

Chapter 36 - Give It Up, This Was Never Meant to Be More Than a Memory For You

"James," his name fell off her lips. (Y/N) caught herself. She shouldn't have said that. It was too familiar. It was as if she knew him. Well, she did but he probably didn't know that.

"I mean, Mr. James Dashner," she laughed nervously. Trying to play the part of an innocent teenage girl. "Sorry for bumping into you. I'm (Y/N). I'm a huge fan of your work."

James recovered from his stupor. "Oh thank you."

"Well, I'll be going now. It was nice to meet you." She started to leave.

"You'd know all about my works won't you, since you spent months trying to find them."

(Y/N) faced James who had a smug look on his face. The words he just said were still processing in her head.

"So," she said when it sunk in, "it was all real then. Wasn't it?"

"Don't you trust your own mind?"

(Y/N) laughed without humor. "There you are again. Answering questions with a question. Never giving a straight answer. So, how did it happen? How did time turn back?"

"I'm not sure if I should be the one telling you this."

"I NEED ANSWERS!" She may have been shorter than him but it didn't stop her from grabbing the neck of his shirt and pulling him close to her face. "I deserve answers. For four months everyone told me I was crazy. Now here comes the only person who can give me answers and I. Want. Them."

James wasn't intimated. In fact, he let out a laugh. "Did you really think that I was the only one who can give you answers?"

"You're the only one I know who can."

"Not exactly. But fine, here's my answer for your first question. Time works differently in all the realms. It also depends with the portal you use."

James proceeded to explain to her about portals. They're what the authors use in order to go to one realm to another. Although, there were always a few rogue portals that would open anytime and any place. Some are rogue while some have a pattern.

"A few smart people found out the pattern," when he said this, he gave her a look as if saying that she knew some of those few smart people.

"W.I.C.K.E.D. find out about the pattern didn't they?"

"No. I just tipped them...twice."


"It was you," she seethed. "You're the reason why Stephen disappeared. It was you." She slapped him. "You're the reason he's gone." Slap. "The reason my family is gone." Slap. "The reason my parents are dead!" Slap. "The reason I'll never know if my brother is dead or alive! You ruined my life!"

James was silent. Delicately feeling his stinging cheeks. The two of them were at the parking lot of the trailers. Everyone was busy with the shoot that no one saw or heard (Y/N)'s outburst.

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now