Chapter 7 - It Was A Lie When They Smiled and Said You Won't Feel A Thing

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- Thomas got in The Maze Runner movie
- He's playing Newt
- Angela, Thomas's best friend (although everyone could see they like each other) came over to give him the script since she's also part of the crew of The Maze Runner movie

Chapter 7 - It Was A Lie When They Smiled and Said You Won't Feel A Thing

November 8, 2013

It's (Y/N)'s sixteenth birthday. (Y/N) woke up with birthday greetings which she replied and thanked one by one. John gave her a cupcake that had one candle in it.

You'd think that an heiress could do better than a cupcake with one candle, but (Y/N) didn't mind. In fact, she loved it because that was what Stephen used to do every year on her birthday. When he was gone, John continued the tradition which she admired.

After the cupcake, John gave (Y/N) a card. She saw that it was from Catherine. She opened it, being greeted with really really fancy writing.

Happy Sweet Sixteen (Y/N)!

If you have any plans for tonight, cancel them! Because I have planned out a party for you. It'll be on 5:30pm but I want you to be there on 4:30pm so we can dress you up.

Love you! Have a great day! I'll see you later. ❤️

P.S. Thomas will take you.



When Thomas was parking his car in the garage of (Y/N)'s house, he could've sworn that he saw a blonde woman at the front door. She dropped something which looked like an envelope. Thomas parked the car in the garage then when he walked out, the woman was gone.

Thomas would've thought that the woman could've just been a figure of his imagination if it wasn't for the envelope he saw her drop. He picked it up and saw that it wasn't addressed to anybody. He opened it and saw that inside it was written:

See you tonight.
You'll see your brother again.

Thomas didn't know who the note was from and who that blonde lady was. He looked intently at the card and wondered what it could mean. He knew that (Y/N)'s brother was taken. Does that mean she'll be taken too? Or does it mean that his brother was already found after five years?

He shoved the note in his pocket. He didn't want to ruin (Y/N)'s birthday by telling her something about her brother. He didn't know what the card meant. He didn't want to cause her worry or false hope so he hid the card from her.


(Y/N) wondered why it was just four o'clock but it looked really dark. The snow was falling and it was really cold so (Y/N) wore her jacket tightly, hoping for warmth. (Y/N) thought that John was coming with them but he said that he was going to follow and that they should go on ahead.

"So Thomas any news about the movie?" (Y/N) asked when they were in the car.

"Yeah." Thomas nodded. "So what do you want to know about?"

"Who's gonna be playing Thomas?"

Thomas then smiled. "You're not going to believe this (Y/N). It's Dylan O'Brien."

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now