Chapter 3 - The Sharpest Lives

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- Catherine's parents are leaving for a business trip
- This leaves Catherine to be watched over by her cousin, Thomas Sangster
- (Y/N)'s birthday is coming up in two weeks

Chapter 3 - The Sharpest Lives

When Catherine's parents left, Catherine and Thomas did the first part of their plan the following day. Since (Y/N)'s birthday is just in two weeks, Catherine was planning a party for her. The party would have all of (Y/N)'s friends from swimming, ballet, fencing, and piano. Catherine only knew (Y/N)'s friends from swimming since she was also friends with them.

"Are (Y/N)'s parents going to help?" Thomas asked while Catherine was trying to contact (Y/N)'s friends.

Catherine was caught off guard with the question. "Umm they don't-they don't up."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There was some accident that happened a few years ago with her brother. I think he was kidnapped and it ruined her parents."

"Did they get a divorce?"

"(Y/N) doesn't really talk that much about it," she dismissed the subject, "and I don't try to pry either."

Thomas nodded and didn't ask anymore further questions about her parents. He couldn't help but feel pity for (Y/N). He also felt a sense of protection for her.

"So she just lives alone? Does she have any relatives?"

"I know she has that one aunt, Aunt Paige, but she doesn't always come. And I guess, she does live alone. Sure she has a lot of people working for her in her house but she's still alone. So I try to come by almost everyday so she won't be."

Thomas smiled at his cousin's big heart. He admired how much she cared for her best friend. His mind drifted off to his best friend. She's currently in Italy since she's also in the film industry. He wondered how she's doing since he wasn't able to talk to her that much the past month because of her busy schedule.

"Are you going to come by today?"

"I'm not sure. What day is it?"

"October 25."

Catherine's eyes widened and she rushed from the living room to her room, ignoring Thomas calling her. She came back wearing her jacket, gloves, and bonnet covering her blonde hair.

"Where are you going?"

"To (Y/N)'s. I can't believe I forgot the date today."

"What's special about today?" Thomas asked, still confused on why his cousin is rushing like she's late for a meeting.

"Today is the fifth anniversary of the disappearance of (Y/N)'s brother."


October 25, 2008

(Y/N), her parents, and her big brother Stephen were off to go on a camping trip. (Y/N) was really excited and so was her brother. He brought along his guitar with him and was playing a couple of songs that he and (Y/N) would sing along to.

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now