Chapter 15 - Fears, Secrets, and Insecurities

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- (G/N) is taking care of Newt because of a deal she had with Minho
- Newt and Minho had a falling out
- (G/N)...well to tell you would be spoiling it

Chapter 15 - Fears, Secrets, and Insecurities

Newt found himself enjoying (G/N)'s company. They would talk about the things that they like and the thing Newt liked about (G/N) is that she didn't pry. When he'd tell her that he didn't want to talk about it, she didn't push and just changed the subject without letting things get awkward.

He found out a lot of things about her. They make a well balanced duo since Newt was really private while (G/N) would tell Newt what he wanted to know.

He learned that she really liked to sketch and draw. She has shown him some of her drawings and he was really impressed. He also found out that she wanted to be a Runner.

When he heard that at first, he was against it but he didn't tell her. Actually, until now he was against it. He knew he was being selfish but he didn't want her to leave. He knew of the dangers that was out there and he didn't want her to face it.

Still, he could see that it was important to her. He saw a lot of himself in her. He saw the passion to help the Gladers in any way she could. He admired that about her.

As much as he wanted to tell her of his opinion, he was scared. He thought that maybe if he did, this friendship which was so beautiful would be ruined. Sure he was still friends with Alby but he's not always there like (G/N). And him and Minho still weren't on good terms.

Newt knew he should make the first move on that one but he couldn't bring himself to. He wanted to tell (G/N) about his problems but he didn't want her to look at him any different.

Too many fears, secrets, and insecurities. Is this really a friendship?


The following days, (G/N) found herself looking forward to her days with Newt which was everyday. She loved talking to him and he would willingly listen to what he says.

She willingly shared to him her hobbies which is drawing. She also told him that she wanted to be a Runner. She let it slip without thinking which is what happened with her the past few days.

She regretted it when she said it because she remembered that Newt was a Runner. His injury was the result of being one. She expected violent reactions but there wasn't any which she was grateful for. But she knew that that topic made him a little uncomfortable so she didn't bring it up after that time.

She likes the friendship she's forming with him. But she'd be lying if she said that that was all. As the days passed, she found herself looking at his eyes and tiny details on his face. She found herself being glad that she shared with Newt a passion to get the Gladers out of the Maze. She liked the connection they had. But she also wanted more.

She just shrugged off her desires as a desire to have him as a friend. Well, they were already friends but she wants to be really good and close friends. That must be it, right?

But one thing (G/N) knows about friendships is that they shouldn't keep secrets. Well secrets that could ruin the friendship that is. She doesn't know why but she feels like she has a secret that could ruin her friendship with Newt. Her secret that she only took the job to take care of Newt to become a Runner, not because she cared for him.

Of course, she cared for him but she thought of the position as a Runner first than taking care of Newt. She thinks it might be a breaking point in their friendship but maybe she's just being paranoid. Maybe Newt will understand and she's just blowing things out of proportion. He knows her desire to become a Runner and he's a nice person.

Still...she never mentioned it. She found it hard to do so. Also Minho told her not to mention it to anyone.

Speaking of Minho, she doesn't know what happened between Minho and Newt. They'd glare at each other and (G/N)  could see that Newt's mad at him and visa versa. But when Minho turns his back, Newt's hard eyes soften. She could see that he misses him.

She tried to talk to Newt about it, he didn't want to.

She tired to talk to Minho about it, he didn't want to.

She actually mustered up the courage to talk to Alby about it but he just told her to leave them to work it out.

"See you later," she waved goodbye to Newt when he gave him his lunch.

"See you."

She knew that she was somewhat of an open book to Newt while he was a tightly shut one. But she didn't mind because she knew that Newt is a secretive person. She also thought that maybe he doesn't really want to talk because of his recent injury.

He has his own secrets and she has her own. But why does she feel so guilty for not telling him everything?

Too many fears, secrets, and insecurities. Is this really a friendship?


One morning, (G/N) woke up to a blaring siren. It was the same siren she heard when she first went to the Maze. She left her hut and went to the Box where some of the boys were huddling together.

(G/N) watched as the Box opened and revealed a boy with a scared and anxious expression. The same expression that she wore on her first day here.

There he was, the new greenie.

(G/N) felt a hand on her shoulder. She saw that it was Minho and he was looking at the greenie. Then he looked at her.

"Congratulations (G/N), you're a Runner."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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