Chapter 33 - Your Fantasies Become Your Legacies

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- (G/N) is now a Runner again and is trying to find the books
- she and Newt just had their first date last night
- Newt gave her pearl earrings

Chapter 33 - Your Fantasies Become Your Legacy

(G/N) woke up first that morning. She didn't want to get out of Newt's arms but she had to. Her hands felt for the pearl earrings. She felt a little embarrassed that Newt gave her this beautiful gift and she didn't have anything for him. So while he was sleeping, she drew something for him. She placed her sketchbook on Newt's stomach and laid down his hand on top of it.

"Goodbye Newt, I'll come back." She gently kisses him on his cheek. "See you later."

She sped off into her hut to change into her gear. While she was waiting for the Maze doors to open, she was silently hoping that Newt will come to see her off as he always did. To her surprise, he didn't. She thought that he was just probably tired because of preparing for last night. That night was one of the best nights in her life. She realized that that was also the very first date she had.

When the Maze Doors opened, (G/N) sped off with her mind now focused on finding the books. Once again, (G/N) was in Section 8. She sprinted as fast as she could so that she could surpass the paths that were part of the map. Her body ached and groaned from yesterday's run but she had to keep going.

By noon, she found herself in a part of the Maze that she finds unfamiliar. She took out her notebook and saw that she has done the first part of her plan. She's now in the unknown.

With her body tired and weary, she wanted to rest but curiosity prevents her from staying put. She walked in the new part of the Maze, mapping it out as went and taking a bite off her sandwich. She walked around until she finally saw a big red eight. Seeing it in person made (G/N) drop everything she was holding.


She couldn't believe it. She's so close to finding the books. They must be around here somewhere. To think that she will come back in the Glade free of this burden. This burden that she carried all by herself for so many months. She wanted to tell Newt about it but to so it, he might go mad. James told her about it.

(G/N) continued to look around until she saw a place that looked familiar. She let her feet guide her to the place where she saw herself drop the books. The looked around and saw the path to be bare. She wondered where could they be.

She let herself sit down in the middle of the path. She took a few more bites of her sandwich as she wondered where those blasted books could be. Searching her memories felt useless. All she had were up until the blast. Perhaps the books were blown away. Lying down on the ground, she was praying for a sign or a clue.

The sun was still shining brightly so it was still too early to come back to the Glade. But perhaps she could since there was a new part of the Glade that she discovered. She was dismayed with not being able to find the books that she didn't see her other victory which was that she was able to reach the very end of Section 8.

(G/N) was about to go back to that big red Section 8 and see if she could find the exit of the Maze. But then her eyes landed on some piece of vines. Those vines ran from the top of the wall and into the ground. She walked towards the wall. She laid her hands on it and felt a crack right under the vines. The vines were hiding what seems to be a very huge crack. Then all the puzzle pieces were all placed together.

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