Chapter 25 - Give Me A Shot To Remember

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- (G/N) got stung
- Gally also got stung but it was kept a secret
- Minho knows about Gally being stung
- Newt feels a little sick from time to time and he doesn't understand why

Chapter 25 - Give Me A Shot To Remember

(G/N) was back in the Glade, well sort of. She was back in the Glade where she was all by herself. She would've been bored but every now and then she would be shown a memory. A memory of hers that was supposed to be long forgotten.

They would come up but they weren't in order. So sometimes there were memories that would come which had her parents and some without. They were confusing at first but (G/N) got used to it. She finally understood her life before the Maze.

She used to live in a different realm. She had a wonderful family. Loving parents and big brother named Stephen. They were perfect until that night when he was kidnapped.

When Stephen was taken, so was she.

Then she was rescued by her parents. But only she came back. For so many years she lived in sadness because of the loss of her brother. She was also bitter with the thought that she was unloved by her parents.

Although her life may have been tragic, but she had Catherine with her. Her heart ached for dear sweet Catherine. Her best friend who was in another realm.

"You can go back to her you know."

(G/N) was startled to hear another voice. She hasn't heard voices since the first day she was there. She turned around and was shocked to see a middle aged man. She seemed familiar to him.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"You can call me James," he offered his hand. She shook it.

"(G/N)," she introduced herself. Although she felt as if he already knew who she is. "Why do you say I can go back? How?"

"You're sent here to find books right? The books that I've written." He disregarded (G/N)'s moment of realization. "Once you find them, you'll go back home. The question is, do you want to go back?"

"Of course I want to go back. I don't belong here."

"Yes you do."

(G/N) took a step back. "What?"

"You were born in this world but you went to the Realm of Stories."

She was trying to understand what he was saying. Realm of Stories? "But I'm not mentioned in the books."

"How would you know that? I think you've only read the first one."

(G/N) didn't what to say to him. She stared at the man right in front of her, still processing the fact that he's saying that she's part of a book series that she loves.

"Okay you're right," he said. "You weren't mentioned in the books. You were originally going to be a part of it but you were taken out."

"What was my role then?" She asked. "Originally."

"A love interest to Newt." A blush crept it's way on (G/N)'s neck. "You were going to appear on the second book when they escape. You two used to be friends before he got taken to WICKED."

James told her about the life that she and Newt should have or could've had. Her parents kept her safe from WICKED but her brother really never got to escape them. In this life or the other.

In that other life, she meets Newt in the Scorch and tags along with the Gladers. A memorable thing about her character is that she wears pearl earrings which were a gift from Newt.

"But," he said sadly, "that life is gone now. You lived a different life and so will he."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You asked," he faced her with a coy smile. "Why? Are you missing the life you could've had?"

(G/N) thought about it. "No. No, I don't. I just," she paused. She didn't know what she wanted to say. She couldn't help but think of it though, the life she could've had. She wasn't missing it but she thought it must've been harder than the life she had in the Realm of Stories. "That's all I am in your story then? A love interest to Newt?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I want to know if that means that I'm," she tried to search for the word, "supposed to fall in love with Newt."

"Have you fallen in love with him?"

(G/N) grumbled. "Why do you keep answering my questions with questions?" She exclaimed. "Just give me a straight answer. If I don't belong here, then why am I back? What use am I here?"

(G/N) was bracing herself for another question as an answer. For her curiosity to be left unsatisifed. But to her shock, he gave her a straight answer. She was just annoyed that she had to be mad at him for that to happen.

"Chancellor Ava wanted to bring you here because she knew you belonged to this world. But the problem is that there are the books that you brought with you. The books that I wrote about this realm. The books that contain the story of this place," he said.

"The books shouldn't be here and the longer they get here, this world will be ruined. Any longer now, this world will cease to exist and everyone in it." James was now at a close proximity to her. "Your job is to get those books and go back into the Realm of Stories. Save everyone and yourself. Do you now understand why you're here?"

(G/N) blinked. From what she gathered, basically the entire realm was at her hands. Her life and everyone else's. "Yes."

"Good. You're going to wake up now. So I suggest you find those books when you wake up."

"How much longer do we have?" She asked.

"Give or take three to four months. Still, time is of the essence. Use it wisely."

That was the last thing (G/N) heard until everything disappeared right in front of her eyes.

Then she woke up.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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