Chapter 22 - Tear Me Down To Set Me Free

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- (G/N) got in the Maze and was ambushed by tons of Grievers who left her bleeding on the cold hard ground
- Minho searched for her and brought her back to the Maze

Chapter 22 - Tear Me Down To Set Me Free

(G/N) opened her eyes and saw that she was in the Glade. Although there was something weird because there was no one else there. She was standing in the middle of the Glade where you'd usually see the Gladers working. But this scenery irked her because there was no one else there.

She walked around, calling out for the Gladers. But no one was answering her calls.

That was until she reached the North Doors. They were wide open like they usually are in the morning. She heard voices coming from the Maze. The voices of her friends and the other Gladers.

She ran inside the Maze to find them. She kept on following their voices hoping that after every turn she'd see them again. That they would be there. But they weren't. She only heard the voices of her friends.

The voices stopped when she arrived at the Hole. Everything was silent as she looked down on it, wondering how far it is and where it goes. She was contemplating if she was going to jump in.

Once again, she heard voices. But this time, the voice was female.

"Let me go! Let me go!" She heard the girl say.

Without hesitation, she jumped inside the hole with the mission to help that girl. The fall made (G/N)'s stomach to drop but it didn't last long.

After a few seconds, she reached the ground and fell on her feet. The impact on her knees should've hurt but she was fine. She was in a room filled with computers and a big screen at the middle of it. The screen was showing the Glade.

She walked towards it and saw that there was still no one else in the Glade. It was weird. Everything was weird.

She heard the girl's voice once again and forgot all about the Glade and the missing Gladers. She turned and saw a door. She ran towards it and it led her to an empty white hall.

"What is it with me hearing voices and everyone gone?" She muttered under her breath as she ran through the hallway.

She followed the girl's voice and it led her inside a room. An operating room actually, just like in hospitals. Inside a room was a girl who was unconscious. It was weird since she could've sworn the voice belonged to that girl.

Inside the room were medical equipments. They were still not yet used. (G/N) looked around, expecting there to be doctors coming in to operate on the girl. Still, everything was silent. She couldn't even hear the voice.

(G/N) turned and looked at the unconscious girl. This was the first time she's seen a girl for months. But she couldn't help but feel like the girl was familiar. When she took a step closer, the doors opened revealing people in lab coats.

"She's heavily sedated now?" The man said.

"Yes Dr. Janson," another male said.

"You're sure?"

"Yes sir," a female said. "I gave her another dose but it isn't enough for her to die."

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