Chapter 29 - Will You Defeat Them, Your Demons?

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- Gally told (G/N) that he was stung and that he was receiving dreams and visions that he couldn't understand
- He confided in her and she said that she will be there for him
- Meanwhile, Newt feels like (G/N) is avoiding him

Chapter 29 - Will You Defeat Them, Your Demons?

Once again, Newt was outside the Map Hut trying to muster up the courage to talk to her. He should talks to her. He missed her. He missed his best friend. It's been almost a month.

"You can do this," he told himself. "You can do this."

He wondered why he felt so nervous. He's just going to talk to her which is something he's done for months. But why was it whenever he'd try to really talk to her, he'd get so flustered and nervous.

Well, never mind thinking about that now. Because he was going to do it. He was going to talk to her. He was going to talk to his best friend.

He knocked on the door and slightly opened it.

"(G/N)? Are you there?" Silence. "Sorry if I'm disturbing you. I just wanted to talk."



He slowly made his way inside. Then he saw that no one was there.

Newt was disappointed. Figures, just when he finally had the courage to talk to her, she isn't here. He was about to leave but then he saw the map that (G/N) was making. It was pretty good.

It may have been almost six months since Newt last ran into the Maze but he was able to recognize some of the pathways. It was amazing. He admired the handiwork and he knew how much time (G/N) has placed on this.

There were twelve sections in the Maze. As of now, the sections in the map were from one to four although they weren't complete yet. Still, it was coming together.

While Newt was looking at the hut and circling the room, he heard a sound inside. Someone was inside the room. He looked on the floor and saw the person he was looking for. There was (G/N) on the floor with papers surrounding her.

At first Newt thought that she might have fallen or injured herself. So he kneeled down to see if she was hurt. Then she saw that she was only sleeping. He contemplated if he was going to let her sleep there or if he should wake her up so that she can go to her hut.

For a moment, he remembered when (G/N) also slept on the floor of his room. He smiled, that memory seemed so long ago. That was when he was recovering from his injury and had a fever.

She was always so hardworking. She's always taking care of others and prioritizing her job. She always pushes herself to the limit. Newt tried to make sure that she won't go too far but on that day when she got stung, he knew that he failed.

"(G/N)," Newt gently shook her. "(G/N)?"

He watched as her eyes slowly fluttered awake. He remembered when he used to see that every day. He wished that he could see that every day agian. Heat rushed in his cheeks when he thought of that.

"Newt?" She said in a small voice.

"Yeah. I think you fell asleep."

"Yeah." She lifted her hand to wipe drool from her face. "Sorry you had to see that."

Newt frowned. "I don't see anything wrong with that."

"You'll probably think that I get attacks and faint in the middle of my job. Something to spice up your reports huh?" Newt's eyes widened. "Yes I knew about it. I must be stupid not to."

Infinite Realms: At Least I Have You (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster) Where stories live. Discover now