Chapter 14 - I Just Keep Collecting Regrets

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- Desperate to have a sure and permanent spot to be a Runner, (G/N) took the deal given by Minho to take care of Newt while he's recovering from his injury

Chapter 14 - I Just Keep Collecting Regrets

Newt woke up to hear someone knocking on his door. He was confused for a moment since he remembered that he told (G/N) that it's fine for her to enter without his permission. Then he turned his head to the side and saw (G/N) still asleep and curled up with his blanket.

Not wanting to disturb her, Newt took his crutches and slowly went to the door. He opened it to see Minho who was carrying his food and was shocked to see Newt standing up.

"What are y-" Newt covered Minho's mouth with his hand to keep him from waking (G/N) up.


Newt pushed Minho outside and he left his Hut for the first time in five days. He shut the door behind him gently.

"Newt-" Minho began with a loud voice.

"Shhhh," Newt hissed. "(G/N)'s asleep."

"She's in there? That's why I couldn't find her. Why is she there? What happened?"

"Can we take a walk first?" Newt asked before he answered Minho's question.

"You sure?"

"I stayed in my Hut for four bloody days without doing anything but sleep. I need to take a walk."

"Alright," Minho conceded. "Just tell me when you want to rest."

The two boys walked a short distance away from Newt's Hut where (G/N) slept soundly.

Pain shot through Newt's body every few seconds. He felt the cool wind as if caressing his hair out of his face. The sun has just risen and every other Glader was still asleep other than Frypan and the Runners.

Newt liked this. There weren't that many Gladers who'd stare at him at this time. The Runners were at the kitchen eating their breakfast so Newt didn't want to go there.

Newt stopped and motioned for Minho to sit with him on the grass. It was a little hard to sit down and Newt wondered how hard it would be standing up. But he shook that thought off, he just wanted to sit down and act like he didn't have the injury. Like he didn't try to...

Newt's breath hitched when he remembered. He didn't want to think of it.

"How are you?" Minho asked out of the blue.

"I'm still trying to heal."

"Yeah but other than that, you are you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Newt started to munch on his breakfast. He lied, he knew what Minho was asking about.

Newt didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to go outside. See the sun. Feel the wind. Try to remember what it was just like a few weeks ago when he wasn't physically broken.

"Newt please." It was rare for Newt to hear Minho beg. It was definitely a first for him, but he still didn't want to talk about it.

"I don't want to talk about it alright," he snapped.

"But we have to!"

"Bloody hell you sound like a girl," Newt scoffed.

"Not talking about it led to this," he gestured at Newt. "I'm worried for you Newt. Alby and I are worried for you."

Newt was fuming but it wasn't because of his fever. It already broke last night. "Who else knows?"

"Only me and Alby."

"Not (G/N)?"

"No definitely not her."

"Good. You don't have to worry for me. It's not like I can go anywhere now."

Minho opened his mouth to reply but then the Maze Doors opened. It was his cue to leave.

"Go," Newt said coldly.

"Fine." Minho ran off to the Maze Doors.

Newt could see through Minho's eyes that he hurt the boy. He hurt his friend. Guilt once again washed Newt's entire body. He placed his hand on his head and cursed under his breath.

"Why do I keep screwing things up?"


(G/N) woke up to find that Newt wasn't in the Hut. Panic and dread filled her mind. She left the Hut and looked around for him.

She ran and ran until she saw him sitting against a tree. His crutches were just beside him. Relief overcame the panic as she went to him.

He saw her coming and he gave her a small wave that she returned.

"Hey, you're out of the Hut. Are you alright?"

"I just wanted a walk. Sorry if I worried you."

"It's alright. At least you're safe. The fever-"

"I'm fine now."

"I'll be the judge of that." She placed her hand on Newt's forehead and neck and she saw that he was indeed fine.

"Do you have to go anywhere?" Newt asked.

(G/N) thought about it. She missed helping Frypan with breakfast. She's needed for lunch which will still be in a couple of hours.

"No, I'm free."

"Can you sit with me?" (G/N) and sat right beside Newt. "Thank you for last night. Also, I'm sorry that I kept you from having a good night's sleep."

"Newt, it's my job as a Med-Jack to help you. Besides, you're my friend."

"But what if you don't have to help all your friends. What if they did something so horrible that they shouldn't be helped?" Newt bursted out. Hearing what he just said, he tried to take it back. "Sorry. It was just a thought."

(G/N) was confused with the question. What was Newt talking about? She wondered. Did he do something bad?

"Are you alright Newt? I know that I'm new here but you can talk to me. If you want to."

"Thanks but I don't really feel like talking."

"What do you want to do?"

"Just stay here for a while. I don't want to talk, but I don't want to be alone. Stay with me?"

(G/N)'s heart went to Newt. She didn't know what he was going through but she wanted to help him. She wanted to know. But she also didn't want to push him.

"I'll stay with you."


That night, (G/N) couldn't help but remember when she and Newt sat side by side together, alone. Of course, she's been alone with the boy many times the past couple of days. But something was different this time.

Was it the way he said he was sorry?

Was it the way he smiled sheepishly at her?

Or was it when he thanked her?

Yes that was it. She didn't know why. It was just a simple saying of thanks to the person who took care of him.

It was a simple gesture of thanks but it made (G/N)'s heart swell.

Foolish heart, you're in for a long ride.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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