Chapter 32 - Losing Myself In Chemical Moments

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- Newt confessed to (G/N) how he felt
- (G/N) told him that she liked him too

Chapter 32 - Losing Myself In Chemical Moments

Staring at the dull grey gates in front of her, (G/N) felt really nervous. It was because she was going back into that Maze to continue her mission. She remembered that the books were somewhere in Section 8. That was the section that she requested from Minho.

She played with her hair as she waited for the gates to open. She wished that Newt was with her right now holding her hand. A lovesick smile formed on her lips when she remembered last night. The night when Newt told her he liked her and she said that she felt the same.

The two of them slept in their separate huts that night because they said that they needed time to think about what just happened. They already established that they liked each other. What now? What was the next step? Was it right to call her Newt's girlfriend? Was it right for her to call him her boyfriend?

A handed landed on her shoulder. She turned to see who it was and it was the boy she was just thinking off. She thought she might act weird around him but she didn't. She greeted him with a smile.

"I thought you were still asleep," she said.

"And not see you off? Not bloody like me."

She agreed. He was always there to see her off when he could. Silence crept in. Both looked at their entangled hands. Blush crept on their cheeks as they pulled away.

There it was. The awkwardness (G/N) was expecting.

"Oh I have something for you," Newt said.

"What is it?"

"I'll give it to you when you get back later," he gave her a cheeky smile.

She playfully pushed him. "You and your laters."

The Maze Doors started to open reminding (G/N) that she was going back in the Maze. That she had a mission she had to finish. She grabbed Newt's hand as she watched it open. There was no awkwardness between them now. How could they forget that holding hands for them meant being there for one another? The Maze Doors were now widely open waiting for (G/N) to enter. She took in a deep breath and faced Newt.

"Remember your promise," he told her.

"I'll come back. I still have to get that gift you have for me," she joked. She stood on her toes and kissed Newt on the cheek then she sped off into the Maze.

She was already a good distance away from the entrance of Maze when it dawned on her what she did.

I kissed Newt on the cheek!


That night, (G/N) returned without the books. She searched the entire Section 8 but she couldn't find them. She tried to find the place in her memories but she couldn't find them either. Wherever it was, she was going to look for it again tomorrow.

She went straight to her hut and changed out of her sweaty clothes. Since it was the first time she ran again after a few months, her body was tired. She was tempted to just lie down on her bed and go straight to sleep. But her stomach was churning. She groaned as she got off her bed and was headed to the kitchen.

She had her Runner's notebook with her. Trying to figure out the places that she missed. But as she reviewed it, she saw that she went to all those places. It confused and baffled her where the books may be. She tried to bring back that memory.

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