Part II: Chapter 8 - Welcome To The Glade

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- On her way to her sixteenth birthday party, (Y/N) got kidnapped
- The last thing she heard was, "WICKED is good."
- (G/N) means Glader Name

Part II: Chapter 8 - Welcome To The Glade














That was the only thing she could remember.


She slowly opened her eyes and saw nothing but darkness. She felt her head pounding so badly. She tried to stand but she felt so dizzy, so she just went back to her lying position on the cold metallic floor. She didn't know what was happening and she was really confused.

"How did I get here?" She wondered.

She tried to think but she felt really drowsy and she couldn't help but close her eyes and go back to sleep.

When she was sleeping, she began to dream.

"Hello," a lady said to her.

The lady was wearing brown long pants and a clean white blouse. She has brown hair that's fixed in a ponytail. The lady looked like she was in her thirties. She and the lady were inside a white room. The room only had two chairs, one for her and the other for the lady. The both of them were sitting on their chairs.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"The right question is do you know who you are?" The lady said.

"Of course I know who I am," she scoffed. "I'm," she stopped to think. A moment of panic came to her when she thought she didn't know who she was. "(G/N). I'm (G/N)."

The lady nodded. "Yes. I guess so."

"You guess so? What's happening?" She started to ask. "Where am I?"

"You'll find out soon enough. What you need to know is that you're here on a mission."

"What is it?"

"You need to find these four books. The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, The Kill Order."

To (G/N) those books sounded so familiar but she couldn't put her finger on why she remembered them. "Why are those books important?" She asked her.

"Because where those people I'm working with are sending you, is in a place where kids have been trapped for a year. They think that it's time for the kids to make it out. The books will help you help them."

(G/N) nodded, listening intently to every word the lady said. Even if she was going to do and complete her mission, she can't help but feel that something wasn't right.

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