Chapter 5 - You Can Choke On Your Misery

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- Catherine is throwing (Y/N) a birthday party for her sixteenth birthday

Chapter 5 - You Can Choke On Your Misery

(Y/N) was really glad to see that Catherine came to stop by the other day. She was even more glad when she found out that Thomas was there with her. They spent the entire day watching movies that (Y/N) liked as well as a few episodes of Teen Wolf when Catherine gets her way. She was grateful for them trying to get her to feel better.

At first, she felt a little awkward with Thomas but as the day progressed, she actually became comfortable with him. Even if she still had a crush on him, she saw him as another person. She even saw him as Catherine's cousin which was something new.

As of now, only a week is left until (Y/N)'s sixteenth birthday. Catherine is now always on the phone whenever she visits (Y/N) because she's busy with the party. She didn't want to be suspicious by not visiting so she still did but she always brought Thomas with her as a distraction, which was successful.

As of now, Catherine was on the phone which (Y/N) noticed the past few days. She had no idea what that was about. She thought that maybe her best friend found a boy that she likes. But if she did then she'd probably tell her about it. Besides, Catherine's body language wasn't one that was talking to a boy that she likes. It's more of a business like manner.

In the end, (Y/N) decided to not mind it since it was Catherine's business. She looked back at the blank piece of paper she was staring at for the past few minutes. She was trying to think of something to draw. It was the reason why her mind drifted off to Catherine.

(Y/N) then remembered that she just finished reading The Maze Runner and was in the middle of reading The Scorch Trials. During reading the series, she found herself having a small crush on a fictional character named Newt. She kept on imaging how he'd look like.

He was described as tall and muscular, with long brown hair that reaches his shoulder. As for his eyes, they were said to be blue. With this information, (Y/N) started to draw.

(Y/N) sometimes doodles when she gets bored and doesn't want to read to pass the time. It all started with Stephen since he liked to draw too.

In the later years, (Y/N) has become really good in drawing but she doesn't broadcast it to anyone with ears. Only a few people know about it, mainly Catherine and John.

(Y/N) found herself drawing Newt exactly how he was described. Although she wasn't sure this was how the author, James Dashner, thought of him, she felt content on what she drew. She drew him with some muscles on his arms and blond hair that reached his shoulders.

She drew everything except for his face which remained blank. (Y/N) was never good with faces and was still even having troubles with hands. She just decided to shade Newt's face since that's what she usually does.

"That's really good," Thomas complimented her.

(Y/N) got so focused on drawing Newt that she forgot that Thomas was just on the other side of the couch she was sitting on. "Oh thank you," she blushed.

"Seriously, is there anything you cant do?" Thomas asked. "You can swim, dance, fence, play instruments, and draw. That's a lot of talent."

(Y/N) didn't really want to tell Thomas that the reason why she had a lot of extra curricular activities is that she's trying to get her parent's attention. "Well, I can't do karate," she said referencing something that Stephen would certainly understand.

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