Chapter 9 - Hold On Tight, This Ride Is A Wild One

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- (Y/N) has now forgotten her past and is now known as (G/N)
- She was given the task to find the books: The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trials, The Death Cure, and The Kill Order
- (G/N) went to the Maze A where she's the only girl
- There she met Gally
- There was blood on her head and she blacked out

Chapter 9 - Hold On Tight, This Ride Is A Wild One

(G/N) opened her eyes and saw that she was now inside a hut. There were three beds or cots inside and she was lying on one of them. She propped herself, using her elbows and saw that she wasn't wearing her black jacket anymore. She saw that her jacket was on a chair.

She heard some people shouting. She sat up, ignoring the throbbing pain in her head. She remembered that she came to this place called the Glade and it was just filled with boys.

The door of the hut swung open and came in an Asian boy carrying another boy. The Asian rushed past her and she saw the boy that he was carrying. He seemed to be unconscious. She noticed that he had a lot of blood in parts of his body but what caught her attention was his leg. More importantly, his ankle. It was twisted and it didn't look good.

"Clint! Jeff!" The Asian boy yelled as he went inside the hut.

(G/N) was still sitting down, staring at the unconscious boy who was lying on the cot beside her. Her eyes avoided his leg and went to his face. He has long brown hair that reached his shoulders. There were some strands that were sticking on his forehead. (G/N) resisted the urge to take them away from his face.

Even if his eyes were closed, she had a huge gut feeling that behind those eyelids were blue eyes. Blue eyes that were warm and understanding. Blue eyes that contained sadness, happiness, and anxiousness. Blue eyes that were a storm.

The Asian boy still kept on calling for bots named Clint and Jeff but neither of them were in the hut. It was empty. He yelled in frustration and (G/N) jumped a little. Then the boy's eyes landed on her. "Am I shucking dreaming? Or am I seeing a girl?"

"You're not. You're not dreaming. I'm the greenie this month," she told him. He looked at her, as if he couldn't believe it.

(G/N) took one look at Newt and she felt herself drawn to him. Like something was pulling her towards him.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked when she took one step closer to him.

"I know what to do," she told him.

The boy just laughed but it had no hint of humor. "Yeah right. You're just a greenie."

That fueled (G/N)'s anger for him. "So?" She yelled at him. "Your so called Med-Jacks are no where to be found! I'm the only help you have until they get here!"

Surprised by her outburst, he let her go towards him but before she could lay a hand on him, he held her wrist. "If you make one wrong move on him, I won't hesitate to punch you until you are black and blue. I don't even care that you're a girl. You got that greenie?" He threatened her.

(G/N) looked at him dead in the eye and didn't show a hint of fear in which the boy was impressed. "Got it. Now give me a towel filled with water."

The boy did as he was told and got it for (G/N) in a flash.

When she has wiped away the blood on his foot, she told Minho-she learned his name since he told her-to hold him tightly.

"What are you going to do?" Minho asked her as he held him tightly.

"I'm going to place his ankle back in it's original position," she told him.

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