Chapter 16 - I'll Be Waiting Miles and Miles Away

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- A month has passed and a new greenie is here
- (G/N) is now a Runner

Chapter 16 - I'll Be Waiting Miles and Miles Away

Newt was woken up by the blaring sound that he's known so well. It means that a new greenie is coming and that a month has passed. He wondered if the new greenie was going to be a girl like (G/N). If he'd like the new greenie. Or if the greenie will like him.

The door opened and Newt found himself sitting up, expecting a certain female. Only to see that it was Frypan. He was disappointed but he tried not to show it.

"Where's (G/N)?" He asked.

"She's with Minho. Starting her training as a Runner."

"Oh." Newt remembered the rule. No applying to be a Runner unless you've been in the Glade for less than a month.

"I don't want to sound selfish but I wish she won't be one. I'll lose a pretty good cook and partner in the kitchen."

Newt smiled. He felt the same way. "I understand. If she's a Runner, who'll take care of me?"

"I'm sure a lot of Gladers will want to take care of you. Everyone loves you." Newt's smile turned to a frown. "But you only want her, don't you?" Frypan's question threw him off guard.

"You did say that a lot of the Gladers would want to take care of me. I have other choices."

Frypan looked at Newt with amusement. He shrugged. "Yeah but (G/N)...she grows on you."

Newt thought of when (G/N) would come with his food and would take care of his leg. Of the night she stayed over until his fever broke. The worry on her face when she was looking for him when he went out on that walk with Minho. For so long, he took care of the Gladers. It felt nice to be taken cared of for a change.

"Yeah," he agreed, "she does."


A week has passed since the greenie came. (G/N) has been training for a week. Minho would tell her that she's hardly really prepared to run in the Maze but there's been a problem that made (G/N) have to step up.

A Runner named George wasn't able to go back to the Maze last night. The next day, a few Runners went to Section 8 which he ran the day he disappeared. They came back with bloody and torn clothes. There were some who said that George might be alive but most said that he's good as dead.

(G/N) didn't know him that well. They didn't talk but he didn't cause her any trouble. But she was still sympathetic to the Gladers who did.

She wasn't able to think about it that much because at the sudden news of George's disappearance, Minho told her that he's taking his place. He went to her hut that night and told her that she's going to the Maze the next day.

"We're two Runners short and you're the only recruit in training we have. We don't have any other choice but to send you in the Maze tomorrow."

"Okay," (G/N) nodded.

The news took (G/N) by surprise. She knew that she wanted this and needed to do this to complete that mission W.I.C.K.E.D. gave her. But she would be lying if she said that she wasn't nervous. Especially since the fact that she had to be put in was that the Runner she was placing has been taken by a Griever and the other Runner has been in an accident.

"Don't worry, there will be a Runner accompanying you until you familiarize yourself with the sections."

"But you said you're two Runners short," (G/N) knew that the minimum was twelve for their were twelve sections. But now they only have ten Runners and if one Runner will accompany her, that would mean that only nine sections would be able to be observed.

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