Chapter 4 - Sing Me To Sleep, I'll See You In My Dreams

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- Catherine was trying to make a surprise birthday party for (Y/N)'s 16th birthday
- October 25, 2008 was when (Y/N)'s big brother, Stephen, disappeared
- After Stephen disappearance, (Y/N)'s parents scarcely make themselves known
- (Y/N) just thinks that they never cared for her since she was somehow given false memories the same day that Stephen was kidnapped
- John has been raising (Y/N) for the past five years
- John has a card with W.I.C.K.E.D. written all over it

Chapter 4 - Sing Me To Sleep, I'll See You In My Dreams

(Y/N) cancelled all the lessons she had for today. She just wanted to stay in her mansion which felt as empty as a tomb. Nick's room still consisted of his bed and his belongings. None of it was touched or moved, well except for his guitar.

(Y/N) learned how play guitar for Stephen. It was a way for her to remember him. She looked around his room and saw that he still had some vinyls and some CDs with his favorite bands.

(Y/N) wondered how life would be if Stephen were here right now. Would he still be in love with his bands? Would he form a band with his friends? Would he have a girlfriend? He should be eighteen right now, she thought, she they were just two years apart.

She remembered when she was watching TV on March 22 just this year. News broke that one of Stephen's favorite band, My Chemical Romance, broke up. She wondered how he would've reacted if he were here now. He'd probably be devastated just like many people when they heard the news.

(Y/N) took Stephen's guitar from the guitar stand. (Y/N) took good care of his guitar just so that he could play again when he came back. She changed the strings when needed and cleaned it when it would start to ghee dust.

For the first few months since Stephen's disappearance, she constantly waited for news for his return. But the police said that it was like he vanished off the face of the earth. They gave up and even said that he might be dead.

The house used to be filled with some of Stephen's close friends. They'd come and ask for some news and would try to even talk and comfort (Y/N). But as the months became years, none of Stephen's friends came anymore. They gave up on him, but not (Y/N). She never stopped hoping that he'll come back.

Placing her fingers on the strings, she started to play one of Stephen's favorite songs. Lullabies by All Time Low.

(Y/N) remembered when Stephen first heard this song and he'd sing along to it. Then he'd play it on guitar. The dearest moments that (Y/N) had with Stephen were of him with his guitar.

Sing me to sleep

I'll see you in my dreams

Waiting to say,

I miss you I'm so sorry.


Catherine and Thomas made it to (Y/N)'s around lunchtime because of the snow that was falling. It was John that greeted Catherine and Thomas and led them inside.

"How is she?" Catherine asked John, while Thomas was busy marveling at how big (Y/N)'s house was.

"She's in Stephen's room since this morning."

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