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Ariana left her new boss' house on her way to university, reminding herself to keep her emotions in check just like she had during their meeting. She knew she had probably kept her tears in check due to the fact that she was standing before an actual celebrity. It had been surreal to see someone she normally saw on the music channels interviewing you for a job. She could only be thankful to Mrs. Jenkins, not only for trusting her enough to recommend her for the job, but for telling her just in time that her future boss was a really big pop star and that she should do her best to not look star struck.

However, as she walked away from her boss' house, all she really wanted was break down and cry because everything was upside down and definitely not the way she had planned it. She never imagined having her scholarship cancelled, let alone having to find a job cleaning a house. 

Ariana's tears started to spill from her eyes before she could stop them, so all she could do was wipe them angrily before anyone would notice them. Her new boss lived in a housing complex outside of London so she had to walk out of the complex in order to get the bus that would lead her into the city, so she tried to look as composed as possible while she left the complex. She had already prepared herself mentally to never tell her parents about her new job, not because she thought it was demeaning, but because she knew they would think exactly that. They would worry about her and demand she went back to Colombia immediately. That's why, when she was notified that her scholarship had been cancelled she decided not to tell them anything about it and instead, set out to find a cheaper place to live hoping she could make her savings last. After that she had taken up more hours at the coffee shop working full time now instead of part time, but still, none of it was enough. 

She found herself talking to her classmates to see if any of them knew about any job offer, that's how Maddie had mentioned that her mom, Mrs. Jenkins, was leaving her job and her boss was looking for someone to replace her. After that, it was only a matter of days between talking to Mrs. Jenkins and the actual interview but Ariana couldn't be more grateful. If things kept improving at that rate, she was hoping she could take a loan to pay for her tuition and have enough money to pay the monthly fees without starving to death.

Even if it means you will have to live in that disgusting room from hell forever. She thought.

When she had moved to London, Ariana had found a room that was actually quite good and comfortable in a house shared by five students, which according to her savings, she would be able to pay for at least 8 months. She knew she needed to support her expenses by finding a job so that when her savings ran out she didn't have to starve. However, when her scholarship was cancelled she realized that if she wanted to stay in London for the duration of her master's degree, she would have to move to a cheaper place in order to make her money last at least twice as long.

The cheaper room, of course, ended up being located in one of the worst places to live in North East London, where there wouldn't be a day when someone got mugged on the streets and everything looked less appealing than the rest of London. Ariana had already had her first mugging experience when a guy cornered her on the way to the grocery store and took her money. She had given it to him gladly seeing as he was a scary looking, dark haired version of Johnny Bravo, but she returned home empty handed and had to feed herself with cereal for a couple of days until her next payday.

As she sat on the bus on the way to university, she got a text from Brian, one of her two gay best friends. She read the text and smiled

-Hey boo! how did it go at the interview? I'm at The Rouge, come find me before class-

-I'll tell you all about it in a while boo...I'm sure you'll love what I have to tell you- Typed Ariana before sending her reply to Brian.

She waited for about a minute until she got another text that read -Fine! Hurry up!- 

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now