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Ariana stared absent mindedly at her cup of fresh coffee, not being able to drink it. She was on the verge of tears and the lump in her throat wouldn’t allow her to gulp.

If she counted down the days again, she knew she was going to cry, but she was certain that she hadn’t seen Liam for thirty one days, nine hours and twenty minutes. Unless she counted skype chats, which she didn’t, because there were so few of them that she could only recall seeing him about ten times on her laptop screen.

She missed seeing him every day, touching his cheeks in the morning when he woke up and feel his facial hair as it grew every day until he shaved again and she could touch his soft face and tickle his skin with her light touch. She missed sleeping by his side, with an arm around her waist. She missed everything about him to the point of tears.

She felt her eyes fill with tears before one of them rolled down her right cheek.

Ugh… Dammit… She thought angrily before she went back to re-reading his latest email.

Hey love,

I really wish you could have come see me in Dublin… I thought we could have a bit of time together before we left for Europe… I miss you, but honestly, with my schedule… I don’t think I can stay in London for longer than a few hours.

How long are your exams going to take? Have you started working on your project or is it something you can postpone for a few days? I’d love to see you… Could you come see me in Berlin? Amsterdam? Paris? Barcelona? Any of those? None?

I’m going crazy without you… I miss you terribly.

I love you

Ariana took the phone and dialed Liam’s number, she let it ring until it went to voicemail and then called again. She repeated the process three more times until she gave up and decided to leave a voicemail for him.

“Hi baby… I miss you so much… I… Wish I could talk to you and not your answering machine” She said stopping before her voice broke again “My exams are going to take a while… Call me when you get this… I’ll be at home all day… I love you… I really love you”

She hung up the call before she burst into tears on the phone.  The last thing she wanted to do was making him worried about her.

She tried to go on with her day, cleaning up the house a bit before settling down with her books and notes for a good study session. She wasn’t focusing at all, but she had to do it because she had a couple of exams to go through before the week was over.

Thankfully she only had four exams to get through before the end of her academic term. After that, she was on her own, working on a project that would be her thesis before graduating.  She and Johnathan had paired up for their final school project and Ariana could not be happier about it.

The rest of the week came and went and Ariana managed to get really good grades on most of her tests, but still, she missed Liam to pieces. Despite her good grades, the highlight of her week had been chatting on skype to Liam for an hour before being interrupted by Harry and Niall.


“And you know… We have a cat now…” She said earning a surprised look from him

“What? When?” He asked

“Well, not our cat… The neighbors got the cutest furriest kitten… But she keeps escaping through the doggie door thing… I found it on the porch the other day… She kept crying and it took me a while to find her… You know the flower pots we put by the door?” She explained and he nodded in reply “She was hiding there… I think she was cold…”

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now