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So... there are not many chapters to go, so I figured I could speed the ending a little more :) I'm sure if you're reading this story, you'll like the idea as much as I do! 

Leave me your comments and thoughts!

- Nat


Miss Garcia, Dr. Ramirez is ready to see you now” Announced the receptionist outside the doctor’s office, looking at both Liam and Ariana with a smile

Liam sprung out of his feet excitedly and took a step towards the office before he remembered he had left Ariana behind.

“Hun… Come on” He said looking at her shyly and extending his hand out to her to help her get up from her seat

She swatted the hand away playfully and got up by herself, walking ahead of him inside of the office.

“Miss Garcia… How are you today?” Greeted Dr. Deena Ramirez getting up from her chair to greet her

“I’m fine… How are you?” she asked smiling at the doctor who had the most defined curls Liam had ever seen. Her kind smile had somehow a calming effect despite how excited and nervous he was about this doctor’s appointment. He couldn’t really imagine how Ariana must be feeling.

“I received your test results and I’ve been looking at them... Everything seems fine so far, except for the mild anemia which we will take care of soon” Said Dr. Martinez getting up from her chair and walking towards the white scale near the corner of her office “Now if you could step over here…”

Ariana got up and stood on the scale and Liam could see how she raised her eyebrows when she looked at the number on the digital screen.

“I’ve gained three pounds?!” She asked looking at the Dr.

“You should expect to gain between twenty five to thirty five pounds during your pregnancy if you stay between the normal limits… You should be gaining from one to five pouds on your first trimester and at least one pound per week as the pregnancy progresses” Explain the doctor

“Wow…. I had no Idea…” Said Ariana sounding surprised

“It’s important that we keep your body weight in check during your pregnancy… Gaining too much weight might cause the baby to be too large… That can lead to complications during delivery…”

“Oh… Wow… I… So… Hang on… When women say they eat for two…?” Said Ariana

“Being pregnant doesn’t mean eating twice as much food… Just eating the right amount of food… And the right amount of calories every day” Elaborated Dr. Martinez

Ariana looked at Liam with a slight worried look on her face

“I didn’t know that either…” Muttered Liam

“Don’t worry about your weight for now, you may have gained three pounds but that is completely expected…” Said Dr. Martinez with a smile “What do you say we take a look at your baby?”

“Yes please” Nodded Ariana with a smile

“Good! Come this way then…” Said the doctor leading Arian towards a door in the back that lead to a small room

Liam watched them from their seat before Dr. Ramirez turned around and smiled at him

“Mr. Payne… Come on… You won’t want to miss this”

He got up excitedly and followed them to the room where a strange looking bed stood in the middle.

“Ok… You can change into these…” Said the doctor handing her a pale pink hospital gown “I’m going to give you some room while get your chart ready”

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now