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Liam got up early on Friday and made himself some breakfast while he waited for his new employee to arrive. He drank his orange juice slowly, taking his time to remembering the argument he had with his ex-girlfriend the previous night.

“Just tell me why? WHY can’t we be together again?” He shouted at her in exasperation

“Because I’m going out with someone else!” She shouted back

He couldn’t believe she had already moved on from him, especially since they had broken up a little over two weeks before. A few minutes later she had confessed she had been seeing him for a while now, even when the two of them were still together.

That had been Liam’s wake up call. Time to pull himself together and move on from Lindsay because it was a waste of time to be in love with someone who wanted nothing to do with you.

He was snapped out of his train of thought when he heard the intercom buzz in the corner of the kitchen. He walked towards it and picked up the receiver.

“Good Morning Mr. Payne” Said the cheerful voice of Roy the doorman on the other side of the receiver

“How ya doing today Roy?” He asked with a smile

“Pretty good sir… I have a Miss Ariana here at the gate for you?”

“Perfect! Let her in!”

“Will do sir… See you later” Said Roy before hanging up the phone

Liam sat back on his stool and kept drinking his orange juice slowly while he waited for Ariana to walk the distance from the front gate to his house. She arrived a few minutes later, her cheeks flushed from the walk to his house from the bus stop.

“Hey… Good morning” He said with a half-smile on his face

“Hi… How are you today” She asked with a bright smile

“Alright? How about yourself…. Oh wait… Come on in” He laughed lightly making way for her to come in “It’s a little chilly out there…”

She stepped into the house and followed him towards the kitchen.

“So… How are you?” He asked again, motioning his hand towards the stool in front of him, urging her to sit down and put her bag down

“I’m alright… It’s been a long week” She replied with a sigh

“Same here” He added remembering again for a brief moment the events of the previous night “Have you had breakfast already?”

“I … Uh… Kind of…” She said

“Kind of?”

“Well, I ate a bit of cereal before I left my flat… I was in a rush” She said shyly

“In that case you should eat something now” He smiled at her

He pushed the bottle of orange juice towards her and a plate with toast on it

“Hope you like toast…” He said

“Yeah but… You don’t have to…” She said before being interrupted

“Come on… It’s an order” He said trying not to laugh

“If you put it that way… I guess I can’t say no”

He got up and found a clean glass for her and set it in front of her. He sat back in his stool in front of her and pushed the butter towards her as well.

He watched her as she smeared butter on her toast and took a bite of it, chewing slowly, as if enjoying the taste. He mouth curved in a small smile as she chewed.

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now