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Ariana arrived on Wednesday to work at Liam’s house like usual. She felt exhausted as ever but still she put on a smile because she didn’t want her boss to see her with a tired look on her face.

She used the key that had been given to her so that she didn’t have to buzz for him at the front gate every day, and stepped into the house.

“Good morning!” She said out loud, hoping to hear her boss yell his greeting from the kitchen but he didn’t

As she stepped further into the living room she noticed about a dozen empty bottles of beer on the coffee table. She sighed in displease knowing that she would have to pick that up later.

The kitchen was a similar sight, with a few empty boxes from the pizza that had been eaten, and she couldn’t help but wonder how many guests had been over the previous night because it was the first time that since she had started working for Liam that she had found the house in such a state.

Ariana dropped her bag in the service room and set off to pick up the garbage that had been left for her. She grabbed a couple of plastic bags and took the bottles and pizza boxes out to the garbage can. She smiled feeling better about the state of the room as it looked considerably cleaner without the mess.

She headed upstairs to start cleaning the house from top to bottom like she usually did, so she went into one of the guest rooms armed with broom, mop and a bottle of a fluorescent cleaning product in hand when she noticed someone sleeping in bed

“Holy shit!” She gasped as she noticed the tall guy stretched along the bed, sleeping in his boxers and with the sheets only covering half his body

She closed her eyes waiting for the moment the guy would wake up and grunt for being woken up but he didn’t. She opened her eyes again slowly and took a good look at him

Oh… He’s gorgeous… She thought looking at him from head to toe before heading out of the room as slowly as she could without making any noise

She remembered the amount of bottles of beer left from the night before and figured perhaps there were more people in the house. She moved quietly towards the rooms that had the door opened or slightly opened so she could take a look inside.

In the room next to her boss’s she found a couple sleeping while they held each other. Ariana couldn’t help but think how cute the brunette guy and the blonde girl looked together in their sleep. She also found another blonde guy cuddled in bed with a read headed girl along with another brunette guy sleeping in the bedroom with the twin beds and she figured her boss was probably asleep as well but his bedroom door was closed and she didn’t dare open it in case he woke up.

Ariana went back to the ground floor, her mind still on the four men upstairs.

So hot… All of them… Johnathan and Brian would feel in paradise having so many hot men around them. She thought with a giggle

Ariana started cleaning around the ground floor while she gave the guests time to wake up so she could clean upstairs. Nearly two hours went by and she was done with the first floor so she decided to make them some food, something they could eat as soon as they woke up.

She was making scrambled eggs and toast when she heard someone come into the kitchen.

“Good morning” Said the blonde woman she had seen sleeping next to the brunette guy earlier

“Hey” Said Ariana recognizing her from one of those really popular girl bands

“I’m Perrie… I’m a friend of Liam’s” She said walking closer to her

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now