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“Mum!” Liam protested feeling enraged at his mother’s reaction towards Ariana

“I… I…” Stuttered Ariana

“She’s the one in the papers, isn’t she?” Asked his mother again, completely ignoring Ariana and turning to look at Liam

“Yes mum… If you should know Ariana has been photographed a few times” Said Liam trying to contain his anger

“Wait… Ariana? ARIANA?!” Huffed Liam’s mother “YOUR CLEANER?! YOU’RE SLEEPING WITH YOUR CLEANER?!”



Despite her son, daughter and husband’s protests, Liam’s mother continued to glare at Ariana, making her feel like an insignificant insect that her son wasn’t worthy of.

“Why do you say it like that?” Asked Liam walking over towards Ariana “Yes… Ariana used to work for me but I don’t see why that is a reason for me not to date her?”

“You two are dating?” She asked with a new wave of outrage in her voice

“Ariana is my girlfriend… We live together” He announced looking at Ariana for a few seconds

Liam felt terrible for what was going on. He had never told his family about his relationship with Ariana, but he didn’t feel the need to explain to everybody what he did or didn’t do. However, this recent discovery was taking his usually conservative mother over the edge, and was making Ariana feel like crap. He could tell by her expression and the frown on her face that his mother was getting to her.

“Wow! I can’t believe she already got you to let her move in with you… What a gold digging whore” Sneered his mother

Ariana gasped in shock before muttering a few apologetic words, but not one full phrase came out of her lips.

“Enough mum! What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snapped as he stood beside Ariana while he wrapped an arm around her

Ariana looked down and let out a heavy sob before moving his hand away from her shoulders and running out of the kitchen.

“Babe wait!” He yelled after her but it was too late

Ariana had run off to the master bedroom and locked herself in there.

“Mum seriously… What is wrong with you?” Asked his sister

“Oh shut up Ruth! I’m only looking out for your brother!”

“No! You’re just mental?! Dad, tell her!” Yelled his sister

“Karen this whole thing got a little out of hand” Said his dad

“You think?” Asked Liam sarcastically walking over to his mother

“I’ll have you know, that Ariana is not a gold digging whore. Next time you talk to her, you are going to apologize for what you said to her, you hear me?” demanded Liam

“And why would I do that? I’m only doing this out of concern for you” Said his mom

“No!  You’re doing it because you’ve gone crazy mum!  Ariana is the nicest girl I’ve ever met, and you will apologize because she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this by you or anyone!”

“I will not apologize to anyone!”

“Yes you will! If you worry that much about me, you absolutely will! Otherwise you should go back to Wolverhampton” he said coldly

“You’re throwing me out?! And because of her?!”  Asked his mother

“You should have never showed up without calling first! As much as I like having you here, this is my house and I deserve a bit of privacy!”

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now