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“Liam… There’s no need…” Complained Ariana as she packed her suitcase readying it for their night time departure from the hotel

“Yes, Ariana look at me” He demanded making her look up to face him from across the bed “You are going to the doctor, ok? It’s not normal to be so tired all the time… You might be anemic”

“Yeah, but…”

“Do not protest… Or I promise you I will carry you there myself if I have to” He said sternly

“You’re being dramatic… You’re worrying too much”

“And you’re not worrying enough… Hurry up, the car is picking us up in 20 minutes and we don’t want to be late” He admonished

Ariana rolled her eyes at him when he walked into the bathroom as she finished stuffing her bag with clothes angrily.

Liam finished brushing his teeth and crossed his arms over his chest while he looked at her expectantly. She was starting to get annoyed and as she didn’t want to get into an argument, she went to the bathroom and finished getting ready so they could leave right on time.

The car picked them up and drove them to the Emory University Hospital which according to the hotel staff, was one of the best hospitals in Atlanta and all of Georgia. It was early morning so thankfully they moved around the city quickly and only had to wait about fifteen minutes before doctor Greenberg could see them.

Once inside Ariana started telling the doctor the reason for her visit, that of course, wasn’t because she was concerned but because of Liam was extremely concerned bordering on annoying.

Doctor Greenberg, a tall African American woman with the most beautiful and kind smile Ariana had ever seen, asked her the usual routine questions and followed the regular procedure of measuring her blood pressure, weight, height, checking her heartbeat and breathing.

She enquired about her eating habits, workout routine and an array of questions regarding her sexual habits that had both Ariana and Liam blushing ridiculously in front of the doctor.

After an hour long questioning, Dr. Greenberg decided to prescribe a list of several tests that she needed to get done as soon as possible so the results could be delivered the next day.

By the time she was done with her tests, Ariana was beginning to feel worried, wondering if in fact she could have something really serious. Liam had assured her that most likely nothing serious would come up on her tests but the doctor was trying to be as thorough as possible.

They went back to the hotel where Brian and Johnathan were waiting for her to have lunch as Liam had already headed out to the arena for their last show in the city before they moved on to Florida

“Hey!” Said Ariana relieved to see her friends

It had been long overdue, but finally, Brian and Johnathan had been able to visit her while she was still on tour with Liam. Hey had arrived two days before and Ariana was having the best time despite her constant tiredness.

“What did the doctor say?” Asked John motioning her to sit next to him

“Se prescribed a bunch of tests… I had to go straight to the lab to get them done so she can deliver the results as soon as possible...” Said Ariana

“I’m sure everything will be just fine…” Said Brian sitting next to her

“Yeah, me too… But you know… There were so many tests that I couldn’t help but get worried” Explained Ariana

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now