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Nine Months Later…

Ariana took a deep breath and inhaled the salty scent of the ocean, carried towards her by the wind. Right in front of her she could hear the waves overlapping as they got to the shore. On her lap while she sat on a lounge chair, the sound of her baby giggling made her open her eyes again.

Kellan was bouncing sitting on her lap while he played with is inflatable fish. The bright smile that he gave her when he looked up at her melted her heart.

“You really love that fish, don’t you?” She said pulling him closer to her and kissing his head

The baby babbled away while he clapped his hands excitedly and Ariana amazed herself in the fact that her baby was already five months old. Time flies…

She remembered the day he was born like it was yesterday. She remembered the pain, the nerves and also the sheer and utter happiness of holding her little baby boy in her arms after being stuck in a hospital room for twelve hours. She also remembered the anguish of believing that Liam was not going to make it to the birth of their son because he was working in Italy.

Four hours after her phone call and a private plane later, Liam walked into her hospital room carrying his suitcase and a big smile.

He stood by her side and held her hand encouraging her through every contraction and every push until their beautiful Kellan came out kicking and screaming his little lungs out while the nurses and the doctor wished him a happy birthday.

The nurses wrapped him in a blanket and placed him in Ariana’s arms where she could finally admire him from up close. She looked at Liam and he, just like her, had tears running down his face, but the smile on his face never faltered.

Ariana looked down at the beach looking for a sign of Liam but she didn’t see him coming just yet. His surfing trip was taking longer than she had expected and she was becoming anxious.

She focused on playing with Kellan while she waited for Liam to arrive. Definitely not an ideal honeymoon if your husband goes on surfing trips leaving you to play with your baby… Although… Honeymoons do not include babies so… A lot of baby making, yes… Actual babies, not really… Thought Ariana while she took one of Kellan’s bottles and tried to make him drink some milk.

The baby made himself comfortable in her lap, resting his back against her stomach while she held the bottle up for him. He sucked patiently out of her bottle and Ariana smiled in delight. It was a struggle to get him to drink from a bottle as he very much preferred if she fed him.

As predicted, he pushed the bottle away about a minute later and sat up. He didn’t cry so it meant he wasn’t hungry. Ariana didn’t insist too much on feeding him seeing as her main goal was to keep him hydrated under the Caribbean heat and drinking smaller amounts of milk will do the trick.

“Do you want to go into the water?” She said lifting him off her lap into her arms “Maybe we can have a swim in the ocean before daddy gets back”


Liam looked out of the window of the S.U.V that was carrying him and four other men back to their hotel. They had gone out earlier in the morning to a beach nearly an hour away to catch the good waves, however, four hours later, he was feeling terrible for leaving Ariana and Kellan on their own. Hardly the kind of honey moon anyone could expect…

They had argued over bringing their baby to their honey moon, but Ariana had been right. Who was going to take care of a five month old baby as well as them? Not to mention Kellan still depended on Ariana for every meal and if he was honest with himself, he couldn’t bring himself to leave his son for the day when he had to work, let alone two weeks while he and Ariana headed out on a romantic honeymoon.

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now