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Ariana heard her phone ring and picked it up animatedly knowing it was Liam who was calling her

“Hey” She smiled into the phone

“Oh, hello? You do know who it is, don’t you? ‘cause I’m afraid you’ve been gone for so long that you’ve forgotten how I sound on the phone”

“Of course I remember how you sound…” She said trying not to laugh “How could I forget such a manly sexy voice… It’s really nice to hear you Mark”

“Hey!” He complained

“I’m joking… Of course I know this sexy manly voice belongs to the hottest boyfriend a girl could ever ask for… He goes by the name of Liam”

“Hmm… Better” He said before laughing a little “When are you coming back home babe… I really miss you”

“Why don’t you come see me? I don’t think I can leave Perrie by herself right now” Explained Ariana understanding how he felt as for the last three days she had been staying at Zayn and Perrie’s house and even though she was keeping her friend company, she missed her boyfriend like hell

“And Zayn? He’s there isn’t he?” Asked Liam

“Yes… He’s here… But… I don’t know… The two of them seem to have drifted apart… He just sort of stays in his bedroom all day… Watches t.v… Only comes out for food… Perrie cries all the time… But she kind of feels good when we focus on cooking or working out a bit…” Explained Ariana as she walked through the front garden on the way to her favorite garden hide out

Outside, through the front gate she could make out the last couple of paparazzi that still refused to leave even though it had been a little over two weeks since Perrie had miscarried and the news had appeared on the papers. The annoying photographers tended to follow their every move. No matter whether the two of them went to the store, the gym, or the movies.  Whenever the front gate opened, they sprang into action and followed them.

After the first couple of times trying to walk out of the house to the nearest grocery store, the two of them had resorted to leaving the house in Zayn’s SUV, which conveniently, had black tinted windows.

“Oh…” Said Liam taking a deep breath for a moment “Listen… Do you think you could come over tonight? I’d love to see you… Have dinner with you…”

“I’ll try…”

“I’ll try?” He asked in disbelief “Doesn’t sound like I’ll be seeing you tonight then” He stated

“No! Li… I just don’t want Perrie to feel lonely if I leave…” She tried to explain “I’m just trying to support her as much as I can”

“But when will I see you? You have work tomorrow, then school…” He complained

“I don’t have to work tomorrow...” She said hoping to cheer him up “I changed shifts with Gigi… I have to go in on Friday and Monday…”

“You did?”

“Yep… I did… So, tomorrow I’ll be all yours, yeah?”

“Yeah… Sounds good… But… How about we have a nice night out you and I” He suggested

“I’m actually more in the mood for a night in…” She said pausing to listen to Liam’s reaction “Just you and I… I’m dying to kiss you… Make love to you”

“Hmm… Ok… If you insist” Said Liam, not being able to hide the lust in his voice

“Yes… I insist” Said Ariana seductively “What do you say you pick me outside of Uni tonight… We go home… Have something to eat and figure out the rest from there”

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now