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Ariana was behind the till taking people’s coffee orders as the line slowly became shorter, when a costumer stood before her and stared at her with a frown.

“Good morning how can I help you?” She asked politely looking at the young woman in a black pencil skirt and light blue shirt

“Oh it’s you…” Said the woman

“Sorry?” She asked confused, wondering what the woman was about

“Yes you… On the paper” Said the woman

“What?” Asked Ariana feeling more confused by the second

“Yeah… With that hot guy from one direction” Said the woman causing Ariana’s stomach to drop to her feet

WHAT THE HELL? Am I on the paper? What?

“God you’re lucky!” Said the woman

“Miss, I’m sorry, I think you got me confused with somebody else” She said, trying to make a convincing excuse but still wondering how the hell her face could be on the morning paper

“No no… It’s you… I just saw you on the paper… You were wearing a bikini!”

Oh lord… It is me…

“Well, I doubt is me, but how about I take your order now?” Insisted Ariana, feeling how gradually, her blood was draining from her face

She took the woman’s order while she stared at her constantly and annoyingly because a few other people were staring as well.

“What the hell was that about?” Asked Lauren, one of her coworkers when the woman was gone

“I don’t know…” Admitted Ariana feeling faint but hiding the fact that she had a slight clue of what the woman might be on about

“Well…” Said Mindy, another one of her coworkers “Looks like you actually are on the paper today Ariana”

Mindy looked at her waving a newspaper on her hands before picking up a couple of dirty coffee cups from an empty table and walking behind the counter.

“What are you talking about” Asked Ariana while Mindy handed her the copy of the newspaper that had been forgotten at the empty table

“Look!” Said Mindy spreading the newspaper out before the group of four employees that had now gathered around Ariana to look at the paper

Ariana stared in dismay as her suspicions confirmed before her as picture after picture of her and Liam were printed across the pages of the tabloid.  There were pictures of them at the hotel’s private beach, walking hand in hand around the hotel, and around town. The pictures showed a happy couple laughing and kissing from time to time and to Ariana’s embarrassment, quite a few pictures showed her in a bikini. There was also a small article about how Liam was bouncing back from his latest heartbreak with a girl who nobody seemed to know who she was.

“Oh God…” Whispered Ariana

“Why didn’t you tell us you were going out with this hunk?” Asked Lauren

“Because…” Stammered Ariana, not really knowing how to respond

“Well, if it was me I wouldn’t want to tell anyone… It’s a bit of a hassle isn’t it? Look at that woman just now… Most annoying thing ever” Said Mindy

“How long have you two been together?” Asked Jules

“Uh… A couple of weeks” Replied Ariana

“You two look so in love” Said Gigi

Oh God… How can I respond to that? She asked herself while she took a deep breath.

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now