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Author's note:

HI Everyone! Again, thank you to those who still read this story and favorite every chapter... You make my day every time you click that button ;) 

There's still quite a few chapters to go through but I hope you enjoy all of them the way you have the previous ones... So... Carry on! And enjoy! 



Ariana opened her eyes and saw that the sun was starting to rise. Liam’s arm was wrapped around her as he slept soundly. She slid away from his arm being careful not to wake him.  She wanted to get some workout done before he woke up and dragged her down to eat a breakfast that she didn’t want to eat.

She changed into some workout clothes, picked up her ipod from her handbag and a bottle of water from the minibar before heading towards the gym.

The gym was empty and with good reason. The clock read 6 am and she was the only one entering the large gym. She chose a treadmill and started jogging. She looked at the watch again and figured she could jog for about fifteen minutes, then do at least another twenty minutes on the escalator before moving on to do seventy squats. She had done sixty the day before and she was planning to get to one hundred by the end of the week.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and couldn’t really see the results, but she had been working her ass off at the gym for at least a month. She even had been cutting on all the junk food and carbs she could, in hopes she could get the body that she wanted.

We’ll see what people is going to say about me after I have the body that I want… The body everyone will envy…

It was 6:30 am when she looked again at the clock on the wall and she was still jogging on the treadmill.  She felt pleased with herself for having the stamina to carry on jogging for a little longer even though she had a pounding headache and she wasn’t feeling her best that morning.

Ariana decided to stop for a moment to catch her breath and steady herself before carrying on to the next exercise. She was drinking some water when she noticed two familiar faces walk into the gym.

“Hey! Watcha doing here so early?” Asked Niall with a broad smile on his face despite the early hour

“Hey Ari…” Greeted Harry with a lazy wave in her direction

“Morning boys…” She greeted them getting off from the treadmill and noticing how for a moment, her head started spinning

She held on to the treadmill feeling insecure to take a step away from it and fall to the ground.

“Ari?” Said Niall

“Huh?” She replied

“Are you ok?” Asked Harry

Am I ok? What’s going on? She asked herself feeling another wave of dizziness hit her. She closed her eyes trying to stop everything from spinning around her but it didn’t really help, and there was a strange tingly sensation on the tips of her fingers and a heaviness in her legs.

“I… Shhhh…” She slurred her words

“Ari what’s wrong?” Insisted Niall

Ariana knew something was wrong but she had no idea what. Her head was pulsing, her ears were ringing and the tingling on the tip of her fingers was now spreading to her hands.

“Don’t… Feel… G-Good” She managed to say

In what felt like an eternity but in reality were only a few seconds, she saw Niall and Harry rushing towards her but there was no point. She was already fading and everything had turned black.

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now