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Hi everyone! thank you for your votes :) They make me happy! Hope you're liking where the story is going - Nat Xx


Liam looked out of the master bedroom and out to the back yard. The sun was shining and he knew if Ariana was at home, she’d be insisting that the two of them laid on the grass and had a tan but, she wasn’t at home. She was at work like usual.

Ever since she had graduated, nearly a month back, she had been working an extra shift at work, making it even more difficult for him to see her seeing as he and the lads were on tour around the country.

Whenever he wanted her to come see him, there would always be something preventing her from doing so. From job interviews to stomach flus. Everything seemed to come between them to stop them from seeing each other. And of course, whenever he had the time, she was at work.

He groaned in frustration at the thought of their upcoming anniversary. It was strange to think about celebrating such an important date with a woman he loved with all his heart, but who he barely got to see anymore.

The heat of the summer could be felt a little stronger than a few weeks before and Liam really wanted to enjoy it with Ariana now that he had almost a month off before kicking off their tour in America, but he doubted how he was ever going to manage it if Ariana’s energies were focused on finding a new job and working extra hard on her current one.

He grabbed his phone and called her, waiting only a couple of rings before she picked up.

“Babe! Hi…. Are you home already?” She asked

“Yeah… I thought you’d be here today…” His voice trailed off

“Me too… But I had to cover for Lauren today… It was all very last minute but, she had to go to the hospital with her sister and I had to cover for her…” She explained

“Well… What time are you off?” He asked

“I’ll be done around eight thirty tonight… I have to stay and close” She said

“Oh, are you closing up alone?” He asked worrying a little

“Nope… Nathan and I have to close…” She replied

“Oh…” He muttered remembering how much he disliked that guy, he understood they worked together, but there was something about that guy that bothered him way too much for his own good

“Listen, do you want to do something tonight? Maybe go out to dinner...? I don’t know... Are you tired?” She asked

“Not at all…” He lied “We could do whatever you want… How about dinner and that movie you wanted to watch the other day?” He asked

“Really?” She asked excitedly

“Yeah” He smiled into the phone “How about I pick you up at eight thirty and we head from there?”

“Yaay! Ok… I’ll see you tonight then” She said excitedly

“I love you doll” He said lovingly

“I love you more baby…” She said before hanging up

Liam spend the rest of the day watching tv and eating snacks until he decided it was time to pick up Ariana. He tried to relax as he drove through the crazy London traffic listening to a bit of music and tapping his fingers to the beat against the steering wheel.

He arrived outside Ariana’s workplace a little before eight thirty and he parked across the street, a couple of shops down but close enough to see that the lights of the coffee shop were being turned off and only the lights of the freezers inside remained alight. He watched as Ariana and Nathan walked out of the shop and she started locking up the door.

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now