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“Oh God…” Said Ariana feeling as if all the air had been knocked out of her

How did this happen? Oh my God… Liam… She thought desperately trying to make sense of what had just happened.

She thought back at the fight they had just had and couldn’t possibly understand how they had gone from absolute passion and love to talking to each other the way they did.

I can’t believe he yelled at me! She thought outraged, not being able to remember another moment in which Liam yelled at her the same way.

“He must have been really angry” She said out loud

And so was I… How could he ask me to drop everything for him? My master’s degree? He knows that’s my only goal! He paid for my tuition for crying out loud!

She remembered his words when he hugged her and it only made more tears run down her face.

I just… Wanted to tell you that I find it really hard being away from you… I don’t know… This has never happened to me before… I just… I just love you so much… I hate being away from you… He said

Ariana knew that she felt exactly the same about him. He was the reason she had taken time off her work and studies and flown to a different country just for a couple of days.

I love you Li… How can I make him understand? I love him but I can’t give up what I’ve accomplished for him… Or can I?

She felt too overwhelmed by everything. She wished he could have stayed a little longer to talk to her. She was sure that they could have worked everything out if they had found a middle ground.

Ariana sat in bed taking deep breaths in hopes it all cleared her head. She felt conflicted because she knew that she would follow Liam to the other side of the world if he asked her to. But leaving with him would mean giving up everything she hoped for herself.

She realized that her priorities had changed during the time she and Liam had been together. When she met him, what she wanted most in life was to finish her master’s degree no matter what. Now, she knew it wasn’t like that. She was so close to getting what she wanted so bad, yet, Liam occupied her mind most of the time in a way that she knew her life without him made no sense. Her world revolved around him, so what good did it do to her to have a fancy degree if she didn’t have the love of her life with her.

Focus Ariana, you can have both things… Your degree and Liam because if he loves you he wants the best for you… She thought, wondering if that was actually true. She knew Liam loved her. She had no doubt about it. He cared about her very much and protected her as much as he could.

He denied it, but she knew he worried about her, that’s why he would never let her ride the bus if he could help it and preferred to drive her everywhere she needed to go. Paid her bills without her even noticing even though he knew perfectly well that money was a touchy subject between the two of them, mostly because she hated knowing that he gave so much to her when she had nothing to give back, however, she had accepted in time that he loved helping her out because he just wanted the best for her.

I need to talk to him… She thought walking over to the phone and calling the front desk.

She was told her boyfriend was on the tenth floor conference room where interviews were being held with lots of members of the French press. She went to the bathroom and washed her face. There was nothing she could do about the red eyes or nose, but at least her face looked clean.

She took the hotel key and walked out of the room on her way to the elevator. She pressed the button of the elevator desperate for it to appear as soon as possible but she was on the thirteenth floor and it was taking it forever to get there.

A Story Of Love And Struggle (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now