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Marinette walked into school with a smile on her face a beautiful red dress on. At the bottom it faded to black and her hair was curled to match it. She wore black flares with it and a small red bag with it. I smiled and walked over to her when I saw Adrien doing the same. He made the same goo-goo eyes I did. She smiled at me. "Good morning Nathanael."

"Morning Marinette," I kissed her knuckles and a small blush was on her face. "Would you do the pleasure of going to the movies with me after school?" She giggled and took her hand away from me.

"Sure. It sounds like fun." She giggled and walked to Alya. I smiled and waved her off then felt a hand pull me into a janitors closet.

I felt someone pin me against the wall and I opened my eyes. "What do you think you're doing?" Adrien hissed and I laughed.

"I'm asking the Princess out, problem?" I flicked his nose and laughed while he growled.

"She's mine, got it." He growled and I laughed.

"You think you deserve everything Agreste."

"Bite me Kurtzberg." He growled again.

I smirked and bent down to his ear, smelling his neck. "Oh I will Agreste. You smell good enough to eat," I lightly pressed my fangs against his neck and he whimpered. I laughed and pulled away. "And it seems like I can. You're human."

"No I'm not! I'm a vampire! My father is!"

"But what about your mother," I smirked and he gulped. I laughed. "Like I said, freak, I asked her out, so she's mine."

"No she's not!" He pushed me against the wall and I laughed.

"She will as long as I don't tell people you're a halfblood," he gulped again. I laughed again. "People don't know. Perfect you dumb kid," I flicked his nose again and he growled. "Stay away from my Princess."


Adrien and Nathanael walked in late. I wonder what they were doing? I told Alya Nathanael asked me to the movies and she told me to be careful and to have Mace with me for just in case reasons. What could he do? He's harmless. Adrien turned in our assignment and I went on with my day. After school I went home and got dressed into something nicer. Tikki pulled my hair into a bun and I smiled at her. "Thanks Tikki!"

"No problem Cupcake," she smiled and kissed my forehead. "Now go to your date."

I blushed through my makeup. "I-I-I-It's not a date!" I ran out of my room hearing her laughing. My bodyguard took me to the movie theater and I waited outside for him. I was early because I liked the previews. When I was younger Plagg and Tikki would take me an hour early so I could watch them. I kicked my feet up and down on the bench. I smiled as people walked past and they walked away faster. I sighed.

Someone sits next to me. "Hey baby," he wraps an arm around my shoulder and I move away slightly. "What're you doing out here this late?" It was dark so I was sitting down under a street light. It was sunset when I came and I was still waiting for Nathanael. I was two hours early. I don't know why I came this early but I did.

"I'm, waiting for a friend." I move away from him more and he pulled me closer. I sighed and try to move away again.

"Well, looks like that friend ditched you sweetheart," he winked at me and I gulped. "Why don't you come with me." I felt something poke my back. A knife.

I froze. I didn't know what to do. I stood up with him and we walked into an alleyway. He pined me against the wall and started kissing my neck. His lips ran over my bite marks. I've had them since birth. Every natural born vampire has them. I reached into my bag and pulled out the Mace Alya gave me. I held it in my hand. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it until it fell out. He glared at me. "D-don't hurt me."

"I won't hurt you, just make love to you." He smirked and I gulped as he kissed my neck again, zipping down my dress. I whimpered again then got a smell of him. Vampire. I can't to anything. If I bite him, I die and I can't die. I have to take the thrown soon.

He gets punched in the face and I take a breathe of relief. "Leave her alone," Nathanael growled, his fangs out and his teal eyes glowing. I bite my lip and move behind him. The guy runs off and Nathanael turns to me. His eyes soften. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Let's go watch that movie." I smiled. We got in, watched it then afterwards I went home.


That punk gorilla looking orange peel hair boy thinks he can just blackmail me? Well, anyone can. I don't tell people I'm a halfbloods for a reason. They hate me. "Adrien!" Grace calls and I sigh. Father made us forgive each other so whenever he's around I have to obey her every word and command.

I look and see Father across from her. I sigh and put on a fake smile. "Yes, Grace."

"I'm hungry." She smiled.

"Then go tell the chef." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"I'm hungry now," she barked and Father looked at her. She sweetly smiled. "Be a dear and let me feed." I look at Father and he nods. I sigh and roll up my sleeve and sit next to her. She bits into my arm and I wince.

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