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(--Two Days Later--)


He flatlining, again. He keeps flatlining every like twenty minutes. I can't let this go. I need to find the dying organ. "Doctor! He's flatlining! We need to get his heart started again!"

"I haven't found the organ!"

"What if it his heart! Or lungs!" I stop and look at the nurses.

"Let us help so you can help him!"

"Fine," I step off and they get his heart started again. I walk back and look again. It's none down in the abdomen. "It's none here."

"Then it's in his ribcage."

"Okay. We need to crack them so I can look." I open the flesh and muscle and tissue and step back. They break his ribs and I look at his lungs and organs. I've been to medical school to study everything. I can do every surgery and I'm the number one surgeon at this hospital. I look at his lungs. They're fine so it's his heart. I gulp and step away.

"What is it Doctor?"

"It's his heart."

(--Nine Hours Later--)

I bit my lip as I pace Adriens room. A nurse comes in and gives me a cup of blood. I thank her drink a little then put the cup on his bedside table. His surgery just ended and normal surgeons would've just moved on but, Tikki and Plagg are my friends, best friends. Trixx walks in and hugs me. Her orange long ass hair rubbing against my nose. Her hair smell so great. "Nooroo, why haven't you been home? I've been so worried." She looks up at me and I nervously rub the back of my neck.

"I didn't mean to scare you sweetheart it's just, Tikki and Plagg-"

"What happened to them!" She had a worried look on her face. They were the reason we even got married or dated.

"Nothing happen to them but the Princess, she brought in her bodyguard and he got staked through the stomach but I fixed it but someone's also been poisoning him and," I sigh and ruffle my hair. "I'm sorry I haven't been home."

"It's fine, I'm just worried. We could be next. We're as old as Tikki and Plagg, Duusu and Wayzz went into hiding and god, Bee," we always forgot her name and she was fine with us calling her Bee because she always dressed as a bee. Yellow and black. "Three of our friends have gone missing, all probably dead. I just don't know anymore. I'm scared for us." She starts crying. I hold her tight and she cries into my chest. One of the reasons why she loves me, because I'm taller then her.

Her phone rings and I take it from her purse and answer it. "Thanks." She wipes her eyes. She can't talk when she's crying.


"Nooroo?" Plagg says. "Either way we would've told Trixx to get you. Could you two come to the castle?"


"Trixx used to babysit Mari and we need medical advice."

"What for?"

"W-We'll explain when you get here."

"Okay when should we come over?"

"As soon as you can."

"O-Okay," I hang up and look at Trixx. "Tikki and Plagg want us over as soon as we can get there."

"O-Okay. Let's go get you changed and then go."

"But I promised I'd keep an eye on Adrien." I motion towards him.

"Have a nurse or another Doctor watch him. We haven't seen those two in so long it hurts."


I beg Nooroo. We need to see them.  We haven't seen them since Felix had his baby with Claire and then they went missing. "Please Nooroo, we haven't seen them in so long and I need my best friends, or at least one." Tikki, Claire, Bee and Duusu were my best friends but Tikkis the only one left now and I can't even see her.

He sighs then smiles at me. "Fine. I'll get a nurse to watch him." I smile and grab his hand. He clocks out and we run to our cars and drive home. He gets dressed into a purple graphic shirt, blue jeans and black tennis shoes. He gets into the car and drives us to the castle.

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