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Me, Adrien and Nathanael walk down the street. I forgot my coat and it started to rain so Adrien gave me his hoodie. Nathanael won't let go of my hand and I walk next to Adrien so I'm in the middle of the two. We go into the store and we get what they asked for plus a couple things then go to Adriens. I eat my skittles as we walk. I got a bunch of candy, Adrien got a book and red bull and Nathanael got a pint of his favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Blood Sucker, and a book. "My house is up here." Adrien points up the hill and I smile and eat more skittles. I'm wearing my mask.

If I go out in public anymore I need to wear it, even in school. Only when I'm at home do I not where it. We walk up the hill and smile as he unlocks the door and we walk inside and out of the rain. I take off the hood and smile as he walks to the stairs. "Adrien!" We hear someone yell. I look at Adrien and he groans. A blonde haired, red eyed woman walks down the big stairs. "Adrien, you were suppose to be home three hours ago."

"I told you I have work, Grace." Grace. Her name is Grace. She hasn't seen me or Nathanael yet.

"I don't care! Gabriel's going to be back soon and this house is suppose to be spotless!" She was obviously drunk. He rolls his eyes and we walk into the living room. He's suppose to be getting some clean clothes but we're obviously not going to anytime soon. She grabs Adriens wrists and me and Nathanael turn to him. "Don't walk away from me you stupid half blood!"

"Let go of me Grace. You're drunk." Adrien says calmly.

"No I'm not. I'm hungry." He winces as her fangs seep into his arm.


She's drunk. She's drunk and drinking me in front of my crush and enemy. Well, ast least everyone in this room has drank me, some more then others. I wince as her fangs go in deeper. "Grace!" I yell in pain as she bites up my arm, drinking more as she goes up, taking her fangs out and seeping them in again. She just glares at me and I shut up. She bites me again and I wince again. She's getting to close to my neck. We heard a car pull into the driveway and she stops and glares at me.

"You called him!"

"He was suppose to come home you drunk idiot!" I yell at her. She growls at me and I pick her up bridal style.

"Let go of me you fucking bastard!" She yells and I ignore her. I mouth 'sorry' to Nathanael and Marinette and walk into the foyer. Father walks in at that moment as I fight back the pain in my arm. He ran up to me as Grace squirms in my arms.

"What happened to her!" Father ran over to us and Marinette and Nathanael walk out of the living room. I'm soaking wet from giving my coat to Marinette and he asks about her? I'm wearing a tank top so as soon as he moves her he'll yell at someone.

"She's drunk." I bluntly answer and walk up the stairs to their room. She keeps squirming.

"Why are you soaking wet?" He asks as I open the door with my foot and put her down on the bed. She glares at me but falls asleep as soon as she hits the pillow. I put a blanket on her and walk to my room.

"I walked here." I didn't mention Marinette or Nathanael but they're following us. Marinette hasn't taken her mask off. I walk into my room and take off my tank top. Father grabs my arms as they stand in the doorway.

"Where did you get these?" I looked away from him. He squeezes my arms and I wince. "Where did you get these, Adrien?"

"Why should I tell you? You used to cause this!" I pulled my arms away and he just, looks at me.

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