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The older boys laugh and crowd me again, trying to touch me. I go into a ball. "I said leave her alone!" They shout again. I look up again and see Adrien about to attack. He walks to me and squats down in front of me. "Come on Princess.lets get to class." He holds his hand out and I take it. He helps me stand and we walk to the classroom.

"Oh is the Prince her knight in shinning armor!" The boys laugh at the comment. Adrien let's go of my hand and turns around and sprints to them.


They've always pissed me off. I run to them, grab one by the collar and slam his against the wall. I grit my teeth and I see the fear in his eyes, smell his blood run cold, feel him shake under me. "I will always be her knight fuckwad. I was and will be." I slam his head against the wall and he grunts.

"O-O-O-Okay d-d-d-d-d-dude! I-I-I-I-I get it!" He stutters. I slam him against the wall again and feel my eyes change from green to blue. He gulps and I smell his heart beat faster and faster.

I slam him against the wall again and let go. "Stay away from my princess." I growl and walk away to her. She looks at me. I close my eyes and feel her hit my arm.

"Don't you dare hurt anyone for me!" She shouts and I sigh when she stops.

"Okay. I'm sorry but they were harassing you and even if I'm just your prince, I will always be your knight." I smile and walk into the classroom and sit down in the first row. Marinette sits behind me with Alya and Nino sits next to me. he's the only person not scared to sit or talk to me, or Alya.


"Girl!" Alya yells. I look over at her and giggle at her excitement. "Can I see your ring now? You never have it and I wanna see it! You said you'd bring it today!" I lie to her every time. We don't have rings. Well, we do but we don't wear them on our fingers. We wear them on chains and Adrien has both of ours. He never takes them off. Adrien turns around and looks at me.

I hold my hand out and he takes the chain around his neck off and places it in my hand. Our two rings on the chain. I show Alya and she squeals and tries to take them out of my hand. I hold my hand away and give them back to Adrien. "No touching." He places them back around his neck.

"But," Alya whines. "Ugh fine! But why don't you ever wear them? Like, on your finger." She holds up her hand.

"It makes my finger turn blue." I shrug.

"Mines to small for my finger. It was for Nathanael." Adrien sighs and I sigh back. He looks at me and I pet his hair. I giggle at how he relaxes from me petting him.

"Do you guys mind me asking something?" I shake my head and so does Adrien. "How did you even become a vampire dude 'cause I think the news got it wrong." Nino crosses his arms. Adrien bite his lip and look up at me. I nod slightly and he told Nino and Alya the story. I bite my lip as they look at me.

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