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The doctor tries to make me drink blood but I won't take. "Princess, drink." He holds the cup to my mouth and I hit it away and curl up under the bed. It's dark. The dark is were I stayed for a month. Apparently. I want Adrien. I need Adrien.

"Mari, please drink." I push Plagg away and curl up into a ball. I dig my head into my knees and hold them to my chest.

"Mari, why won't you drink?" Tikki asks and I mumble into my knees. "What was that?"

"Adrien...n-need." My throat hurts.

"Adrien?" I nod my head. "Why do you need him?" I can hear the rage in his voice. Nothing comes out but a squeak. "Marinette, answer me," he demands. He's getting angry. "Answer me, now."

"Plagg, we have to wait. She's been through a lot." Plagg sighs and hugs Tikki. I can see from under the bed.

I bit my lip. I need Adrien. "Marinette!" Adrien? I look up from below my bed. The doors are wide open to the room with two bodyguards beating up Adrien. Like he isn't hurt enough. When he saved me, I opened my eyes for a second, and saw his face mangled. Cuts and bruises all over him. I get up from under my bed and stubble over to the door.

"S-Stop!" My voice squeaks. They stop and he growled and looks at me. I fall to the ground and quickly crawl under my bed. It's too bright in here.

"M-Marinette, are you okay?" He pulls the sheet up and I shield my eyes and close them. The light hurts. It goes dark and I open my eyes to be meet with his bright green eyes and I kind of see his skin. It's to dark in her but his eyes are bright enough for me to see them.

"N-No." I squeak and curl into him. He wraps an arm around me.


I hold Marinette and she starts to shiver. I look down at her. She's shaking. "Marinette, what's wrong?"

"H-H-H-Hurt..." She whispers.

"Are you hungry?" She nods. I hold my arm in front of her. She looks at me. "I'll be okay and you'll feel better. Go on, eat." Light come pouring in and she bites into my arm and closes her eyes at the light.

"Young man what're you doing! Stop this instant!" Her doctor yells. Marinette flinches and takes her fangs out of my arm and curls her head into my chest. I glare at him. I turn to Marinette.

"Mari, drink. I know you need it. I'll be fine." She nods and bites into my arm again. I smile at her and glare at her doctor.

"Young man this is against the law! I will have the King and Queen-"

"What? Have them what?" I grit my teeth. My eyes don't change color anymore and my doctor said that I'd be a vampire half the time and a human the other half. I couldn't be fully one of the other unless someone bit my neck. I wince and Marinette looks at me. "I-I'm fine. Promise." She drinks more.

"Young man I have to-"

"Leave him be Martin!" I hear Tikki yell. He growls and leaves. Tikki peaks her head in. "Thank you, Adrien."

"As long as she's okay I'll do this," I smile and she smiles back and goes away. Marinette takes her fangs out and I stop the bleeding. She looks at me. "How do you feel?"

"B-B-B-B-B-Better..." She whispers and digs her head into my chest. I smile and hold her. She she falls asleep I taker her out from under the bed and put her on her bed. I dim the lights and put a blanket over her. She's going to be okay. I know it.

God this book is long
I think I'll end it after chapter 50 or 55
Idk yet but I should end it before 60
Unless you want 60+ chapters

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