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(--Three Days Later--)


I stay by the phones. I sit in a circle in my study with every phone in the castle around me. I'm waiting for one of them to ring. I haven't gone to school or ate anything. Not even blood. I feel weak but I'm not moving. I can't. I need Adrien to live. People from school come over to check on me. I don't let them in, well, besides Alya, Nino and Nathanael. My eyes dart from phone to phone. I haven't slept. I know Alya and Nino are here. I can smell their blood.

"I think she's dying." I hear Nino whisper. I am.


Ninos an idiot. I punch his arm. "Come on. We'll be late for school." I growl at him and he whimpers and nods. We go to school and people know why we're late and ask questions about her. We say we don't know. She wouldn't talk. She doesn't. No ones heard her talk in three days or even seen her. Since Adrien got attacked everyone's been freaking out about the King and Queen showing their faces for the first time in like a hundred years. I sit in my seat. I can smell blood. Not normal human blood like, sweet, tangy blood. Human blood changed to vampire blood kind of blood. Blood that you would always want to drink. I smell around and my eyes land on a new kid. I haven't seen him before so that's why I'm saying a new kid. I smile and he looks away.

The bell rings and I walk over to him. "Hi I'm Alya! What's your name?" He keeps walking. His bleach hair is covering his grey eyes. His back is straight, his arms down holding his books and swinging back and forth as he walks down the steps and into the halls. He goes to his locker and leaves me to go to his class. Rude. He didn't answer my question.


Alya Cesaire. Dating Nino Lahiffe and best friends with Marinette Dupain-Cheng. They only caught three people from my group. They all broke out. We're masterminds. Of course they did. Adriens slowly dying in the hospital. I volunteer everyday and take care of him. I make sure he gets worse but he won't respond to the poison. I don't have a name here yet. I just came here from a school halfway across Paris.

I play with my hair and try to hide my bites in class. I don't like them. I should be dead. Why did Tikki bite me. I was fine with dying but no, I had to live to see my son Gabriel. I was fifteen and got a girl pregnant. We were heading to the hospital to see her. She was in labor. Tikki bite me to make sure I made it. A group of vampires attacked us on our way there and killed my parents. I don't have a name. My 'parents' sent in a form but they didn't write a name on it. I get to decide that. The principal walks in and takes me into the hall.

"I'm Mr.Damocles, the principal here. Why didn't your parents fill out your name?" He holds up the form. I shrug. "Can you tell me your name?"

I dart my eyes from side to side and sigh. I don't want to decide yet. "Felix."

"What's your surname?"

"Ag-Collin. Felix Collin." I sheepishly smile. Please don't catch my slip up. He nods and writes it down and calls the number they put in the paper. I walk back into the classroom and sit down and play with my hair again.

I haven't seen Gabriel in a long time. He's a full vampire. He doesn't know I was human and I want to keep it that way. He got his mothers vampire trait and my eyes and hair. He got her pale skin. I miss her. I know she's still alive, I just don't know where. I lied when I said I was three hundred. Tikki was in her one hundreds and my best friend. She gave me advice on this stuff, on a pregnancy. I was fifteen when I got bit and had Gabriel a few hours later. I'm in my one hundreds now, well close to it. I know my team is planning on killing me soon. They won't though. I'm too powerful for them to kill.

I still remember the night he was born. The night I became a father.

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