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Me and Plagg sit in our thrones as we wait for Nooroo and Trixx. He holds my hand and I look into his green eyes. "I'm worried too." He rubs his thumb on my hand and I bit my lip. I'm so worried about her. We aren't wearing our masks. They're our friends, we don't need too. The door opens and Trixx and Nooroo walk in. I get up and hug them."What's wrong?" Trixx asks. I don't answer. I'm too worried about Marinette to answer.

"Why did you need medical advice?" Nooroo asks and I look at Plagg.

I let go of Trixx and Plagg hugs me instead. I cry into his chest. "Marinette hasn't left her study in a couple days, maybe a week. She won't eat or-or sleep, even after you called about Adrien. We're just worried about her." Plagg rubs my back.

"Let me see her," I wipe my eyes and walk them to her study. She's sitting on the floor, phones around her waiting for one to ring. Her homework is piled up on her desk and Alya and Nino are asleep on her couch. "Who are those two?"

"Her friends. They visit during their lunch and before and after school." Plagg answers. Nooroo walks over to Mari and she looks up at him, her eyes widening.

"A-A-A-Adrien. H-H-H-H-He's he's-"

"He's okay. I had to do another surgery but he should be up any hour now. Why aren't you sleeping and eating like I said?"

"A-A-A-Adrien..." She trailed off, imagining the blond boys smile.

"He's okay. Why don't you go get something to eat?" She nods and Nooroo helps her stand. He let's go of her arm and she falls to the ground. He helps her stand again and helps her walk to the dining room. He sits her down on the table and a maid gets a cup of blood. She refuses to drink it. "Why won't you drink?"

"She only takes it from the arm," I mutter and he looks at me. "She has to bit into someone's arm. Adrien fed her sometimes, other times a cook would do it but they're all starting to quit."

"Why?" Trixx asks.

"She's drinking them dry." I mutter again. A maid walks in and gives me a cup of blood. I drink a little and give it back. I'm to worried to drink it. Plagg gives me a look then takes the cup and the maid runs off. He put it in my face. I push it away.


First Marinette, and now Tikki. They're both going to die. "Have you tried a maid? Or butler?" Nooroo asks and we shake our heads. I put Tikkis cup down.

I walk over to Mari and take the cup form Nooroo. I put it in her hands and she looks at me. "I don't care if you're worried or not about Adrien. He'd want you to drink, eat, sleep and live. So drink this or so help me god I'll have him die." I threaten and her eyes widen. She takes the cup and hesitantly holds it to her lips, taking a small, slow drink and I sigh and smile at her. She finishes the cup and I take it and give it to a chef.

"Another cup then try to have her sleep." I get another cup of blood and give it to her. She drinks it and I help her walk to her room. Tikki and Trixx changes her into her pajamas and we put her in her bed and she falls asleep as soon as her head hits her pillow. I go back to the dining hall and give Tikki the cup. She drinks a little more then puts it down. Good enough.

"Thank you but what was wrong with her?"

"She was starving and sleep deprived caused by worry. She should be fine in a few days but I would suggest babying her until she can eat and sleep properly."

"Thank you." Tikki hugs him. He sheepishly smiles and hugs her back. I smile as she lets go.

"It's no problem," Trixx smiles. "Call us if you need anything else, like a double date would be good."

"I don't think that would work," I sigh. "We also wanted both of you because we want you to go into hiding. We thought you did it a long time ago but we were wrong. We don't want you getting killed."

"Is that what you did with Bee, Duusu and Wayzz?" Trixx asks. I nod.

"They come in every three months for a check in to see if they're alive," the hold each other's hand. "They're last visit were about two months ago."

"Just, tell us where we should go." Nooroo holds Trixx's hand a little tighter and we give them a place to go after Adriens okay.

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