Chapter One // The New Girl

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This story contains;

- Self harm

- Abuse

- Sadie's POV -

Christmas break was over which meant every student would return to college looking hungover and practically dead, the first day would be the most unproductive of all. For me it was different, I was excited to get back to class because it meant spending time with my friends and having no choice but to socialise. I sat at my usual table in English class with my three best friends, Wyatt, Alex and Parker. Our teacher hadn't arrived yet so we were chatting about our break, the boys explained how crazy each party they went to was and I told them about my Christmas dinner. How exciting right?

"I'm pretty sure Alex was blown by every girl at the New Years Eve party" Wyatt told us while laughing loudly, I put my hands over my ears and sang loudly to avoid the details. Alex tucked his long greasy hair behind his ears and smirked flirtatiously at us all, I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. Wyatt continued to crack jokes while hitting the table with his fists, he was crying loudly over the stupidest things while Alex told him to shut up. Wyatt is the joker of our friendship group, the only emotion he knows is happiness and laughter which makes me awfully jealous of him. Alex is.. Well, he is the smart one who doesn't search for validation from others. He doesn't care about the way he looks or the way others see him, all he wants to do is have a good time (and never shower). Then there's Parker, he is currently buried in his phone and one hundred percent texting his girlfriend Mia. She is all he thinks about, his world revolves around her and she feels the same about him too. And then there is me, the quiet anti social girl of the group, most of the time I question why the guys still want me around as I cancel plans and avoid them outside of college. I shivered as it was freezing in the classroom, Parker glanced up from his phone and smiled at me.

"Want my bomber jacket Sadie?" Parker asked me while pulling it off himself and throwing it across the table, I wrapped it around my shoulders before thanking him. His jacket was warm because he had been wearing it all morning. The classroom doors burst open and in came Mia, she spotted us all at the other side of the room before yelling Parker's name and running towards him. He got out of his chair and picked her up as if they hadn't seen each other in a year (they were making out in the corridor half an hour ago). After the excitement was over Mia glanced around at us before noticing that I was wearing Parker's jacket, her smiling face dropped and she glared at Parker.

"Uh, Sadie? Why are you wearing my baby's jacket?" Mia asked me while turning her head to the left like she was possessed. Wyatt glanced at me while holding his breath to avoid laughing, he knew she was about to pick a fight with me just because I was cold. Parker had his arm around Mia but he stared at her weirdly before sighing.

"I was cold, do you want it back now Parker?"

"Yes he does" Mia butted in before pulling it off my shoulders, Wyatt began to laugh and Mia gave him an evil glare which shut him up.

"Chill out Mia, nobody is out to steal your man!" Alex shouted while waving his arms in the air, we all stared at him in shock. Mia is slightly terrifying and trying to talk back to her is one of the worst ideas your brain could ever cook up.

"How are you able to talk Alexander? You're too baked to even look at me!" Mia shouted back at him before grabbing Parker's hand and dragging him to another table. Wyatt groaned loudly as Parker waved goodbye to us, why is she so protective? We are his best friends and we mean no harm.

Our teacher finally arrived, she looked flustered and tired as she threw her bags on a desk and took a deep breath in. Everybody in the classroom stared at her weirdly, she smiled before sitting down on her chair and getting out the role book.

"I've got a good Christmas joke to tell you both" Wyatt whispered across the table to me and Alex, I rolled my eyes at him and tried to concentrate on what Mrs Blanchard was saying.

"I'm sorry for being so late the traffic is crazy outside!" She shouted while laughing nervously, there was clearly something going on with her that she didn't want us to know about. The thing with college teachers is that they are much more chilled than teachers you'd have at school. You could go for coffee with your college teacher and tell them about the guy you last hooked up with, they are interested in all of that stuff.

"What athlete is the warmest in winter?" Wyatt asked Alex as he could tell I was ignoring him, Alex stared at him weirdly before rubbing his eyes. How is Alex suppose to answer that? He enjoys smoking in the mornings to get him through class, he would fall asleep otherwise.

"Anyway, we have a new student joining our class today.. Would you like to come in?" Mrs Blanchard told us before talking to somebody at the door. The classroom door opened and suddenly it was as if the world had gone into slow motion, a tall fair haired girl entered the room and every head turned in shock. Curled hair, blue eyes, pink lips, flowery patterned shirt, skinny jeans.. She flipped her long hair back as she approached Mrs Blanchard's desk, I looked around the classroom to see every single boy staring in fascination at her.

"A long jumper! Get it?!" Wyatt whispered excitedly, Alex was transfixed on the new girl entering the room. Wyatt stared at him weirdly, I glanced at Wyatt before tilting my head left to make him look to the front of the room.

"Holy fuck" Wyatt muttered when he first set eyes on her, even Parker was staring!

"Hi, I'm Alice" She said with a smile, she headed to the back of the room where the free table sat and every boy watched her until she had sat down. I could tell she knew that she was irresistible, she continued to show off her body and flick her hair as the boys drooled.

"Who is that girl?" Wyatt whispered to me, I shrugged my shoulders and Alex smiled proudly.

"She is an angel sent from the heavens to give us boners, I know it.." Alex muttered with tears in his eyes, I shoved him angrily off his chair and Wyatt burst into laughter as usual. Alice suddenly glanced across the room at me, we kept eye contact for a long time. There were so many boys watching her but instead she was grinning at me, I smiled back before turning away and focusing on the lesson. Alex stayed on the floor while crying for help as he was too stoned to get up himself.

"Did she just smile at you Sadie? I think she did!" Wyatt said while hitting my arm repeatedly, I stared at him angrily and he shuffled closer to me.

"Maybe she is a lesbian, lesbians dig that pixie cut of yours" He continued to whisper to me while occasionally looking back at Alice, I rolled my eyes and laughed at him.

"She does not like girls, I know that for a fact" I told Wyatt while doodling on my English text book. Alex finally got up from the floor and joined us back at the table while Mrs Blanchard was completely unaware of how messed up Alex really was. I tried my best to hold him up as his head rocked from side to side and he hummed quietly to himself, I threw Alex's lifeless body on Wyatt as I was tired of babying him all of the time. I glanced back at Alice to see her laughing at my actions, why is she staring at me so much?

"Alright! Let's turn to page forty.."

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