Chapter Thirty One // Cleaning Up

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- Alice's POV -

Sadie's mum brought us trays of sandwiches, crisps and cupcakes to munch on for the rest of the morning and afternoon. She gave me a hug before exiting the house, leaving only me and Sadie alone in the huge house.

"Your house is so.. posh. In a good way" I muttered while biting into a cupcake, Sadie shrugged her shoulders and laughed. 

"My mum adores you, it's sweet" Sadie said while glancing up at me, I smiled and nodded in agreement. There was music playing from across the hallway outside the living room which Sadie hadn't noticed yet, I glanced through hallway from where I was sitting in confusion. The kitchen looked like it was very messy from all of the baking Sadie's mum was doing before she went out. I stood up slowly and made my way to the kitchen, Sadie followed after me.

"What are you doing Alice?" She asked me weirdly as I entered the kitchen and pulled up my sleeves, I began to tidy up the messy counter and throw the cutlery into the sink. Sadie watched me in surprise, I glanced back at her and grinned.

"Alice, you're not a maid. You don't need to clean up after my parents" Sadie commented while laughing to herself. She approached me before snatching the spoons from my hand and setting them down on the counter again. I glared at her while picking them up again, she rolled her eyes at me and we began to fight over the spoons. 

"Give me them! You don't need to tidy the kitchen!" Sadie shouted as I laughed at the top of my lungs, she smiled widely as we fought over the wooden spoon that was covered in cake mix. Suddenly Sadie let go of the spoon which caused me to fall backwards and get the cake mix all over my blue jumper, Sadie stared at me with her hands covering her mouth in shock. 

"I'M SO SORRY!" She shouted before bending down and helping me up from the floor, I wasn't even angry. I couldn't stop laughing even though my jumper was now ruined. Sadie began to wipe her hands on my jumper trying to get the cake mix off but it was no use. 

"Go up to my bedroom, I'm sure there are plenty of jumpers to choose from in my wardrobe" Sadie said with a grin, I nodded and headed out of the kitchen with a smile on my face. I continued to giggle to myself while heading up the stairs and searching for Sadie's bedroom. I walked along the hallway upstairs before finding a pastel blue door with the letter 'S' stuck on it, I smiled and opened the door.

Sadie's bedroom was even more messy than the kitchen that I was planning to clean up, I kicked the clothes on the floor out of the way while approaching the wardrobe. When I opened the wardrobe doors I instantly knew what I wanted to wear, I pulled out a red oversized hoodie. I threw my dirty jumper on the floor with the rest of Sadie's laundry before putting on the comfortable hoodie. I made my way out of Sadie's bedroom and to the kitchen so I could show her what I chose to wear. 

I heard the front door slam as I walked along the hallway once again, I suspected it was Sadie's mum returning home but then I froze in fear once I heard the voices coming from downstairs.

"What the hell do you want?" Sadie asked the person who had entered the house, I stood still at the top of the stairs. I desperately wanted to peek around the corner to see who had entered but it was too much of a risk.

"I want to apologise for my actions and how insane I was last night" A guys voice came from downstairs, I widened my eyes once I realised who it was. It was the crazy drunken guy who tried to murder me last night at the club!

"Why are you apologising to me? You didn't do anything to me Parker.." Sadie replied angrily, he sighed loudly.

"I don't know where Alice lives! If I did then I would say sorry! I'll see her in college and I will be able to talk with her" He told Sadie, I sat down at the top of the stairs and pulled my knees to my chest in fear. Just hearing his voice made my skin crawl and my heart beat fast, it brought me back to when I was losing vision with his grip tightening around my neck. 

"You could go to prison for this, you know that right?" Sadie asked him, I slowly peeked around the corner to see what was going on. Sadie was standing before him with her arms crossed and a disappointed expression on her face. He had blood shot red eyes and a deep frown looking her way. 

How can Sadie stand up to him like that? He is aggressive and much taller than her, if he even tapped her she would be in pain. I watched her in shock as she yelled at him and talked over his excuses, I was intrigued. 

"Cheating on your girlfriend is not an excuse for almost murdering somebody!" Sadie's voice echoed around the hallway downstairs, Parker lowered his head and sighed. Without another word he headed towards the front door and left her house, Sadie's angry body language disappeared and she spotted me watching from upstairs.

"Alice.." She muttered in shock, I smiled at her and made my way down the stairs. Sadie stared at me in fear as if she had done something wrong, I gave her a hug because she seemed like she needed it.

"Thank you for sticking up for me" I said, she laughed to herself.

"Parker is messed up at the moment, he needs to be put in his place" She explained, I nodded and thanked her once again. 

"Since you are so keen on cleaning up, shall we?" Sadie asked while pointing towards the kitchen. I grinned and nodded at her idea, we both skipped to the kitchen before filling the sink with warm water and beginning the chores we didn't have. Sadie turned on the radio and we sang loudly while making the kitchen look spotless. 

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